What will be the cost of not reforming health care?
When you poke a stick in a spinning wheel it can cause disastrous results, even killing the rider of the bicycle or motorcycle. This is exactly what Republicans have done to health care reform. The result may be catastrophic for millions of Americans, especially the increasing numbers of baby bloomers who are rapidly aging and will soon become senior citizens.
The insurance companies make billions of dollars in profits annually by gambling upon our health and longevity. It is the insurance companies which will profits the most by no health care reform; hence they have lobbied heavily against health care reform, doing everything in their power to stop health care reform. The consequences of this greedy behavior will be catastrophic for millions of Americans as they grow older and will only enrich the coffers of already rich insurance companies.
The one thing all insurance companies hate is having to pay a claim, because no matter how just the claims, it means a loss of profits for the insurance companies. The one claim that insurance companies hate paying the most is when someone dies. Yet we are all going to die one day. The insurance companies know this, so the one thing they try to do is avoid having to pay what anyone's life is worth when they die. And the next thing that the insurance companies try to avoid paying is what it cost to keep you healthy in body and mind as you grow older, as they do not want you to have sense enough to know when you are being screwed over, exploited and financially raped and robbed!
Hence the insurance companies all have one thing in common; they want you to pay for policies that have so many exclusive clauses in them that when you get older they will not have to pay for your health care nor any significant amount when you die. And guess what, when you are old and grey, locked away in a nursing home behind electronic doors with a security guard to prevent your escape, you won't even have the presence of mind to even know how terribly you have been exploited, or be able to do anything about it! You will simply fade away in a cloud of delirium, as those who could have made your last days better laugh and play while vacationing at a tropical resort spending all the money they have made off of the sick and the dying who had the blinds pulled over their eyes by the most clever con artist of all, insurance companies.
You see, if health care reform is passed, then enormous sums of money are going to be lost by the big insurance companies. They will not be able to compete with the government which will be offering everyone health care for a reasonable price. That is the singular reason Republicans backed by insurance companies do not want health care reform. And guess what, those Republicans are covered very well and have good health insurance; they simply do not care about all the pain, suffering, death and dying which everyone else will experience, putting it out of their minds, basking in the same sun at the same tropical resorts and parties as attended by their insurance company hosts.
So what will be the cost of NOT reforming health care? It will be exactly what my dear mother is now experiencing. Millions of aging Americans will find themselves locked away in nursing homes, made prisoners and exploited by the various states who have no other way to provide for their health care than to make them wards of the state, taking power and control of all their income, taking away their homes and causing catastrophic damage, destroying families, and gleefully walking to the bank with all that our dear parents and grandparents worked their whole lives to acquire. And because they take everything there will not even be any money for surviving family members to hire an attorney to fight this cruel and inhumane injustice.
The result of NOT reforming health care is going to destroy millions upon millions of lives of those who are now growing older by the day, whom will one day find themselves just as did my dear mother, a victim of a failed health cares system, and greedy, powerful people who take advantage of their incapacity to financially rape and rob them, destroying their families, and caring naught for the havoc the wrought!
Thus when you open a newspaper, turn on the television, or listen to the radio and hear someone saying how terrible Obama's health care reform is, remember this: health care reform is for ALL OF US, for all of the United States of America. Health care reform in not Obama's; health care refore is America's best hope for the future!
In contrast it is the insurance companies who are profiting by bashing health care reform. These same insurance companies buy advertising and support the anti-health care reform propaganda being spouted by Republicans who are in their pockets. What appears as editorial comment or programming is but deceptive advertising sponsored by the insurance companies!
Millions upon millions of un-insured Americans, many of whom have already suffered catastrophic losses due to an ill or elderly family member, we are the ones who are going to suffer from failure to effect health care reform. At present there are over 30 million Americans who do not have health insurance or who have pre-existing conditions and cannot get health insurance. Each day the number of Americans who do not have health insurance is increasing. As we grow older, become ill or incapacitated, lose our jobs, or suffer other unforeseen circumstances, we are going to be the ones who suffer the most if we listen to the brainwashing babble and anti-health insurance reform drivel of Republicans and media supported by the for profit screw you over insurance companies.
The effort by greedy and corrupt insurance companies to prevent health care reform is an outright scandalous exploitation and fraud upon America! Those newspapers, radio stations, television stations, and other media outlets publishing and broadcasting this lying and deceitful anti-health care reform propaganda are contributing to the hurt and harm which will be done to millions upon millions of Americans. Such support in the form editorial propaganda and shark feeding frenzy journalism is killing millions of Americans and causing millions of more to suffer. It's all the result of greed, greed and more greed and those contributing to such scandalous journalism should be ashamed of themselves!
Those who have a heart and who care about the the welfare of their fellow man and woman, who can see the mountain top and realize that on the next tomorrow it is going to be ALL OF US who will be old and elderly; that it is going to be ALL OF US who are without health care or cannot afford the enormous expense of a catastrophic illness; that it is going to be ALL OF US and our most loved family members who are locked away, made wards of the state and impoverished by the greed of those in power and control; that it is going to be ALL OF US who are exploited, financially raped and robbed by a failed health care system! We who can see the light, should act now to support health care reform!
What will be the cost of health care reform? The question that should be asked is what will be the cost of failure to enact health care reform? That cost will be the suffering of millions upon millions of Americans. That cost will be the loss of homes, property and the destruction of families. That cost will be so enormous that it cannot be conceived nor measured! That cost is one we can not afford as a nation, and it will be a cost that could destroy America if we fail to provide universal health care for all our citizens!
It should thus be obvious that America needs health care reform and it needs it now! Unless we provide all our citizens with health care, the cost will be so great in suffering, so great in hurt and harm, that it will destroy our nation. For we are a nation of people, of families, of citizens who cannot endure and prosper to our greatest potential among an increasing world population unless we are a healthy people, a healthy nation. The sick, the old, the diseased, the ill ... they will die and that will be ALL OF US one day. The only way to lessen the suffering is to provide each and every American with universal health care.
Yes, there will be a price in dollars and cents to provide all Americans with health care. But the price of not doing so will be catastrophic and could destroy our nation. We are not guaranteed survival as a species nor as a nation. There are others who wish our destruction. Yet our enemies also include those who contribute to our own demise, who prey upon and exploit the ill, the elderly, helpless children, and others who, through no fault of their own, may need a helping hand. Greedy insurance companies are as great a threat to the prosperity of America as are terrorists, perhaps even more of a threat! That is why we must support universal health care, for each and everyone of us, should we be fortunate to live long enough, is sooner or later going to need health care. And the clear and present danger that our great nations faces is that the greedy
al-Qaida like insurance companies would as soon have our heads cut off as have to cover all Americans!
I am a patriotic American, and I am not a fool. I can see when I'm being screwed over. Time and again the greedy al-Qaida like insurance companies are screwing over not only me and my family, but million upon millions of Americans! If you have health insurance odds are that you are being screwed over because insurance companies profit by gambling that they will never have to pay out. More than likely when you do need health care, an exemption will exclude you. More than likely you will die as result of an accident or sudden death, and not a cent will have to be paid toward your health care. Or you will let your policy laps when it is needed most. These and thousands of other circumstances will enable the al-Qaida like insurance companies from paying out what you have paid into your health care. Hence everyone who has private health care is playing Russian roulette! And those who do not have health care have already pulled the trigger!
The point is that all Americans should have universal health care from birth to death, regardless of their circumstances. We should not be made victims of al-Qaida like insurance companies nor be forced to play Russian roulette with our lives or the lives of our children, nor the lives of our elderly parents and grandparents. Yet that is exactly what is being done. We are being forced to gamble with our lives, with our health, by greedy, self-serving, al-Qaida like insurance companies, who are holding a gun to our heads, who are blowing away large numbers of Americans do not qualify for coverage or can't afford to play their game!
America, it is time to see the light and wake up! Support universal health care for all Americans! The future of our great nation depends upon our having a healthy, vigorous, population. We will stand only if we are united, and we will be united only if we provide universal health care for all our citizens!