Blogs are an interactive, multimedia, creative experience
Recently I spent the morning answering an email to an associate and sharing some advice and opinions with regard to getting Blogger up and running. I thought others my enjoy this rather entertaning muse which I've edited to remove any comments or links that may identify my friend:
Dear Friend,
My keyboard seems a bit stick today the "a" key keeps wanting to type aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa may need a new keyboard before long. I tried turning it upside down and beating it but the damn thing now seems worse.................. so I gave it a blow job ..... drug in the big air compressor, cranked it up, let it build up 40 pounds of pressure and then began blasting away. I also opened up the computer and blaster her .... boy the dust that came out of that thing. I should have been wearing a gas mask. Damn, did not realize this house was so dusty. Guess I'd better start doing that every 3-4 months. Now AOL's auto spell check programs is telling me that that string of a's is misspelled. What to do? :-) At least the keys are not sticking now so I might be able to tell you how to post on your blog.
1. Log in. Go to your blog site and log in.
2. Point and click on the "B" logo.
3. When you point and click on the "B" logo it should take you to your account. Then you should be able to choose a template (you can just go with the default template to start).
4. Then select "New Post" or something like that.
You basically need to use a "Click on It To Everything Approach" to learn any new program. Really, just click on it and see what happens. The worse that could happen is one day someone evil bastard makes a program that when someone clicks on a particular sequence of buttons it sets off a chain reaction that destroys the world. I'm sure there are probably terrorists or rogue governments somewhere working on how to do that now. In fact, from what I here the Red Chinese are sponsoring hackers to breaking computers and steal high technology secrets ... the Iranians are probably doing the same thing as they'de like to get their nukes developed and flying. And India is really making outstanding progress with new supersonic cruse missile technology. We Yankees ain't the only ones who got smarts, as like it or not, humans all share much the same genetic code, and we can all be evil bastards or angels, which ever we choose on any given day.
I think all the blogs have forums where you can go to get help. But really it ain't rocket science. Any problems might be the result of whatever is fogging you head. Hey, my dear mother turned form a completely coherent, alert, cross-word puzzle working, family problem solving guru, to a blooming vegetable over night!
I didn't know WTF was happening; neither did anyone else. It took a neurologist to make a diagnosis and discover she had some form of dementia, not Alheimer's disease, but some dysfunctional impairment that none-the-less is like turning off a billion neural switched in the brain leaving one half-zombie, half their former self. It was quite catastrophic and most everyone responded worse than if she had AIDS, were a lesbian, turned black, or all of the above. This happened in 2003 when I lived in Montgomery, Alabama, perhaps still one of the most prejudice states in the union, where all the schools which were integrated in the 1960's are now "black" schools, and all the socially well to do white folk send their children to private church operated schools so they want be "infected" by whatever makes black people black. Plus what is especially awful is that many of the people who have this type of mentality are judges, lawyers, or in positions of power, that their ignorance, prejudice or intolerance effects such people as my dear mother when they become incapacitated.
So it was the worse place my mother could have become incapacitated. I responded by leaving the state of Alabama and starting the Elder Rights Association, on on-line publication advocating the rights of the elderly. Even if I can't to much to help my dear mother, at least I can share her story that it may help others.
I mention this so you might know I've been through the hell of seeing my own mother go from the best Mom in the world, to a foggy cloud. It results in a lot of tears and heart break. And seeing how many greedy and corrupt people responded to her, some of them even family members, to financially rape, rob and destroy my dear mother's life and family, literally was a wake up call that not much has changed in Alabama -- only now the prejudice and slave master mentality is directed toward the elderly who have become helpless. For you see, in Alabama the exploitation of the elderly is a billion dollar industry, and my mother fell into the trap, not even knowing it existed and was set ... much like when a wild and free animal is trapped.
I therefore have some understanding from baring witness to this tragic experience, that as we grow older our minds can fog. Sometimes it is a slow process. But at other times it can happen more suddenly. Any ill health no doubt may accelerate the process.
Therefore I do not mind helping you in whatever little way I might to publish you muse. But I don't like playing the role of critic. I'm a writer myself, so it is best I not say too much about works in progress. I can help you edit your work when done or convert it from one form to another and try to get it published, but you need to do the nuts and bolts of it yourself while your mind is still clear enough. All I suggest is that you try to explain matters, as if talking to people who do not know what you are talking about, so that the simple and obvious to you, are made clear to the reader. Also I enjoy reading adult stories, which deal with adult themes, that include sex, violence, deep mental struggles and issues. I'm not really into this Harry Potter, whimp vampire Twilight crap that is so popular and may be really profitable. However, Harry Potter would have been devoured by the first dragon he ever met were he in J.R. Tolkein's trilogy, and these nice, proper and sexless girly twats in Twilight would have all their blood sucked out and left for dust by any real Old World vampire.
However, should you want some LIVE help with the blog you would need to download Yahoo IM once you get you tower system fired up. Then we might chat real time. I've helped a lot of people remotely and even enjoyed a little cyber with some fair maidens in such far away lands as the Philippines and Russia Some of the girls on will make you wish you were 18 again!
Yes, I am a horny old fart, but I am not the one who invented all this new finagled technology. I suggest when your mind clears you try to get your blog setup so you can post your muse. And hell, if you want to commit suicide in a more pleasurable way and die of a heart attack, visit some of the hot, wet and wild ameature girls on, they will clear your head real fast and you might find yourself remembering your yesteryears and writing about something besides drilling nuke holes and brine shrimp.
Not that I have anything against brine shrimp. Why when but a lad I would put their eggs in a drop of saline solution and watch them hatch under the microscope. Still to day I find the myrid of microscopic organisms in a drop of water every bit as enthralling and intriguing to watch as some of the gyrating cum twats on the net. However, I think I'm a bit peculiar in that respect. It seems in this age of cyber sex we old farts are dropping like leaves and unless you write about sexless vampires or prostitute yourself out to deprived horny bastards on the net, no one is going to pay much attention to you.
It is a different age from what it was 40 or 50 years ago ... even from what it was 20 years ago. Now people don't buy magazines to read short stories or look at centerfolds, they on online and watch women playing with themselves in their bedrooms. It is surely a voyeurs paradise; you don't even have to put a coin in a slot to watch and jerk off. Or switch the channel and go to YouTube at or It's Live at and watch your favorite videos.
Now why do I mention this, which you probably already know. Because all these forms of media are competition, and unless you check out the competition you will not see what you are up against. It may not matter if all you want to do is publish on-line, which certainly you can do with a blog. But you need to realize when doing so your blog can be interactive. You can actually link to whatever other sites you want, even gyrating damsels, and contrast them to your own memories, or just reflect upon how much the world has changed.
Yes, you can write a blog and just do it the old fashion way with words. Or you can drop in links to particular words. I often drop in links to my designs, especially when that is the topic. Or I drop in links to my dogs pic. But my God you can drop in links to everything from brine shrimp to videos of nukes going off. You can make your blog dynamic, and that's why I wanted to mention this.
Now what I could do is take one of your recent pieces, edit it for you and add links to show you how this can be done. Then you can post it on your blog. There are a million different ways this can be done. The point is that there is a LINK function so that when you write you can actually drop in links yourself. This is one of the things you may want to do.
Now I could also make all your stories interactive in this way, simply making key words have a Google link so people could just click on them and see what comes up. In fact, that is the easiest way to make a blog interactive. If for no other reason this can be done to make what your are writing about more educational and informative. When then published using traditional print media the links can be translated to their URL. Or if published on a CD the links would remain active.
What you may benefit from realizing is that books are not just words in print any more. Even ancient writings and works like the Holy Bible have been digitized and made interactive in this manner. I realize for the moment you just want to concentrate on writing stories and publishing before you die, but I wanted to let you know that I am aware of the fact that we are living in a new age, where everything is interactive, and it is only going to get more and more that way in the future ... long after you and I are gone, what every we put out there is going to be just a drop in the bucket of what the mass of humanity is going to literally have at its finger tips.
The reason for noting this is because authors and writers generally want others to read what they write. That's part of the process. Yes, you may write or create just for yourself, I do that constantly. But there are other consequences. One is that others may read your work and perhaps be influenced by it. Two, it gives the author a form of immortality. A thousand years from not someone may see something that you scribbled, just as we see what was inscribed and chiseled upon the ancient Egyptian tombs 3,000 to 4,000 odd years ago. I might not be able to understand what it means, but you got to admit, the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Gaza make an impression!
So, my friend, if you do manage to figure out how to start posting on your blog, note that you can click on the LINK function and add some interactivity to your blog. So if you are talking about a subject like drilling nuke holes which is not common knowledge to everyone, you can add a link. Or if you want to mention how things have changed since you were a young lad and Playboy was recreational material that teens snuck away from their parents and hid away in the bathroom or bedroom with, whereas today all you have to do is click on sites like and presto you are in a girls bedroom, such little magic might add a new dimension to your work. Plus the process can make your work not only more educational and informative, but more people might actually read it ... plus such browsing to discover new links can be inspirational or enlightening in and of itself to the author.
Ah, if nothing else perhaps checking out It's Live at will clear your head! :-) Some of the girls there are really "Girls gone wild!" Whereas many try to tempt visitors into a private chat, which starts the meter running, many are there just because they get off on being exhibitionists and showing their God given gifts and talents to the world. I've heard tell of some girls using It's Live to find sugar daddies, but that might just be a yarn. But if you really wanted a tale to tale, you might make your own investigation and then report the results in your blog. Boy, that might make for some interesting reading. :-) Gee, I might even considering doing that myself.
Hope to see your blog posts soon.
Take care and good luck.
PS What I'm going to try to do edit one of your last bits of muse and send it back to you as an .HTML type file that you can cut/paste and drop into your blog with interactive links, so you can actually see exactly what I'm talking about. And/or I may post it on your sites also so you can see how this works. Not that you will want to keep my links, but this will give you an idea of what is possible. Of course in a blog you can also drop in other media including photographs, audio, video, links to other peoples blogs or entire web pages. It might take a bit of experimenting, but this is all possible. Telling a story ain't just pounding the keyboard anymore -- it is an interactive, multimedia, creative experience.
Dear Friend,
My keyboard seems a bit stick today the "a" key keeps wanting to type aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa may need a new keyboard before long. I tried turning it upside down and beating it but the damn thing now seems worse.................. so I gave it a blow job ..... drug in the big air compressor, cranked it up, let it build up 40 pounds of pressure and then began blasting away. I also opened up the computer and blaster her .... boy the dust that came out of that thing. I should have been wearing a gas mask. Damn, did not realize this house was so dusty. Guess I'd better start doing that every 3-4 months. Now AOL's auto spell check programs is telling me that that string of a's is misspelled. What to do? :-) At least the keys are not sticking now so I might be able to tell you how to post on your blog.
1. Log in. Go to your blog site and log in.
2. Point and click on the "B" logo.
3. When you point and click on the "B" logo it should take you to your account. Then you should be able to choose a template (you can just go with the default template to start).
4. Then select "New Post" or something like that.
You basically need to use a "Click on It To Everything Approach" to learn any new program. Really, just click on it and see what happens. The worse that could happen is one day someone evil bastard makes a program that when someone clicks on a particular sequence of buttons it sets off a chain reaction that destroys the world. I'm sure there are probably terrorists or rogue governments somewhere working on how to do that now. In fact, from what I here the Red Chinese are sponsoring hackers to breaking computers and steal high technology secrets ... the Iranians are probably doing the same thing as they'de like to get their nukes developed and flying. And India is really making outstanding progress with new supersonic cruse missile technology. We Yankees ain't the only ones who got smarts, as like it or not, humans all share much the same genetic code, and we can all be evil bastards or angels, which ever we choose on any given day.
I think all the blogs have forums where you can go to get help. But really it ain't rocket science. Any problems might be the result of whatever is fogging you head. Hey, my dear mother turned form a completely coherent, alert, cross-word puzzle working, family problem solving guru, to a blooming vegetable over night!
I didn't know WTF was happening; neither did anyone else. It took a neurologist to make a diagnosis and discover she had some form of dementia, not Alheimer's disease, but some dysfunctional impairment that none-the-less is like turning off a billion neural switched in the brain leaving one half-zombie, half their former self. It was quite catastrophic and most everyone responded worse than if she had AIDS, were a lesbian, turned black, or all of the above. This happened in 2003 when I lived in Montgomery, Alabama, perhaps still one of the most prejudice states in the union, where all the schools which were integrated in the 1960's are now "black" schools, and all the socially well to do white folk send their children to private church operated schools so they want be "infected" by whatever makes black people black. Plus what is especially awful is that many of the people who have this type of mentality are judges, lawyers, or in positions of power, that their ignorance, prejudice or intolerance effects such people as my dear mother when they become incapacitated.
So it was the worse place my mother could have become incapacitated. I responded by leaving the state of Alabama and starting the Elder Rights Association, on on-line publication advocating the rights of the elderly. Even if I can't to much to help my dear mother, at least I can share her story that it may help others.
I mention this so you might know I've been through the hell of seeing my own mother go from the best Mom in the world, to a foggy cloud. It results in a lot of tears and heart break. And seeing how many greedy and corrupt people responded to her, some of them even family members, to financially rape, rob and destroy my dear mother's life and family, literally was a wake up call that not much has changed in Alabama -- only now the prejudice and slave master mentality is directed toward the elderly who have become helpless. For you see, in Alabama the exploitation of the elderly is a billion dollar industry, and my mother fell into the trap, not even knowing it existed and was set ... much like when a wild and free animal is trapped.
I therefore have some understanding from baring witness to this tragic experience, that as we grow older our minds can fog. Sometimes it is a slow process. But at other times it can happen more suddenly. Any ill health no doubt may accelerate the process.
Therefore I do not mind helping you in whatever little way I might to publish you muse. But I don't like playing the role of critic. I'm a writer myself, so it is best I not say too much about works in progress. I can help you edit your work when done or convert it from one form to another and try to get it published, but you need to do the nuts and bolts of it yourself while your mind is still clear enough. All I suggest is that you try to explain matters, as if talking to people who do not know what you are talking about, so that the simple and obvious to you, are made clear to the reader. Also I enjoy reading adult stories, which deal with adult themes, that include sex, violence, deep mental struggles and issues. I'm not really into this Harry Potter, whimp vampire Twilight crap that is so popular and may be really profitable. However, Harry Potter would have been devoured by the first dragon he ever met were he in J.R. Tolkein's trilogy, and these nice, proper and sexless girly twats in Twilight would have all their blood sucked out and left for dust by any real Old World vampire.
However, should you want some LIVE help with the blog you would need to download Yahoo IM once you get you tower system fired up. Then we might chat real time. I've helped a lot of people remotely and even enjoyed a little cyber with some fair maidens in such far away lands as the Philippines and Russia Some of the girls on will make you wish you were 18 again!
Yes, I am a horny old fart, but I am not the one who invented all this new finagled technology. I suggest when your mind clears you try to get your blog setup so you can post your muse. And hell, if you want to commit suicide in a more pleasurable way and die of a heart attack, visit some of the hot, wet and wild ameature girls on, they will clear your head real fast and you might find yourself remembering your yesteryears and writing about something besides drilling nuke holes and brine shrimp.
Not that I have anything against brine shrimp. Why when but a lad I would put their eggs in a drop of saline solution and watch them hatch under the microscope. Still to day I find the myrid of microscopic organisms in a drop of water every bit as enthralling and intriguing to watch as some of the gyrating cum twats on the net. However, I think I'm a bit peculiar in that respect. It seems in this age of cyber sex we old farts are dropping like leaves and unless you write about sexless vampires or prostitute yourself out to deprived horny bastards on the net, no one is going to pay much attention to you.
It is a different age from what it was 40 or 50 years ago ... even from what it was 20 years ago. Now people don't buy magazines to read short stories or look at centerfolds, they on online and watch women playing with themselves in their bedrooms. It is surely a voyeurs paradise; you don't even have to put a coin in a slot to watch and jerk off. Or switch the channel and go to YouTube at or It's Live at and watch your favorite videos.
Now why do I mention this, which you probably already know. Because all these forms of media are competition, and unless you check out the competition you will not see what you are up against. It may not matter if all you want to do is publish on-line, which certainly you can do with a blog. But you need to realize when doing so your blog can be interactive. You can actually link to whatever other sites you want, even gyrating damsels, and contrast them to your own memories, or just reflect upon how much the world has changed.
Yes, you can write a blog and just do it the old fashion way with words. Or you can drop in links to particular words. I often drop in links to my designs, especially when that is the topic. Or I drop in links to my dogs pic. But my God you can drop in links to everything from brine shrimp to videos of nukes going off. You can make your blog dynamic, and that's why I wanted to mention this.
Now what I could do is take one of your recent pieces, edit it for you and add links to show you how this can be done. Then you can post it on your blog. There are a million different ways this can be done. The point is that there is a LINK function so that when you write you can actually drop in links yourself. This is one of the things you may want to do.
Now I could also make all your stories interactive in this way, simply making key words have a Google link so people could just click on them and see what comes up. In fact, that is the easiest way to make a blog interactive. If for no other reason this can be done to make what your are writing about more educational and informative. When then published using traditional print media the links can be translated to their URL. Or if published on a CD the links would remain active.
What you may benefit from realizing is that books are not just words in print any more. Even ancient writings and works like the Holy Bible have been digitized and made interactive in this manner. I realize for the moment you just want to concentrate on writing stories and publishing before you die, but I wanted to let you know that I am aware of the fact that we are living in a new age, where everything is interactive, and it is only going to get more and more that way in the future ... long after you and I are gone, what every we put out there is going to be just a drop in the bucket of what the mass of humanity is going to literally have at its finger tips.
The reason for noting this is because authors and writers generally want others to read what they write. That's part of the process. Yes, you may write or create just for yourself, I do that constantly. But there are other consequences. One is that others may read your work and perhaps be influenced by it. Two, it gives the author a form of immortality. A thousand years from not someone may see something that you scribbled, just as we see what was inscribed and chiseled upon the ancient Egyptian tombs 3,000 to 4,000 odd years ago. I might not be able to understand what it means, but you got to admit, the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Gaza make an impression!
So, my friend, if you do manage to figure out how to start posting on your blog, note that you can click on the LINK function and add some interactivity to your blog. So if you are talking about a subject like drilling nuke holes which is not common knowledge to everyone, you can add a link. Or if you want to mention how things have changed since you were a young lad and Playboy was recreational material that teens snuck away from their parents and hid away in the bathroom or bedroom with, whereas today all you have to do is click on sites like and presto you are in a girls bedroom, such little magic might add a new dimension to your work. Plus the process can make your work not only more educational and informative, but more people might actually read it ... plus such browsing to discover new links can be inspirational or enlightening in and of itself to the author.
Ah, if nothing else perhaps checking out It's Live at will clear your head! :-) Some of the girls there are really "Girls gone wild!" Whereas many try to tempt visitors into a private chat, which starts the meter running, many are there just because they get off on being exhibitionists and showing their God given gifts and talents to the world. I've heard tell of some girls using It's Live to find sugar daddies, but that might just be a yarn. But if you really wanted a tale to tale, you might make your own investigation and then report the results in your blog. Boy, that might make for some interesting reading. :-) Gee, I might even considering doing that myself.
Hope to see your blog posts soon.
Take care and good luck.
PS What I'm going to try to do edit one of your last bits of muse and send it back to you as an .HTML type file that you can cut/paste and drop into your blog with interactive links, so you can actually see exactly what I'm talking about. And/or I may post it on your sites also so you can see how this works. Not that you will want to keep my links, but this will give you an idea of what is possible. Of course in a blog you can also drop in other media including photographs, audio, video, links to other peoples blogs or entire web pages. It might take a bit of experimenting, but this is all possible. Telling a story ain't just pounding the keyboard anymore -- it is an interactive, multimedia, creative experience.
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