The Pyrotechnic Pen

Provocative, insightful advocate for children, the elderly, animals, the environment and all who cannot speak for themselves; a must read for conservatives and liberals alike!

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Enjoy throwing kisses to the world, hugging trees, petting my dog, cuddling up with a good book to read, loving all of God's creatures great and small, writing poetry, the romance of fireflies dancing in the fields and forests, hiking, camping, fishing, sailing, scuba diving, waterfalls, the ocean, and the company of good people who are working to make the world a better place for the children of the future.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Declare War on Somali Pirates

The United States should immediately declare war upon Somalia pirates and announce that it will seize all vessels participating in acts of piracy or blow them out of the water!

Recently (late Feb. 2011) four Christian missionaries who spent their life savings to buy Holy Bibles to give to poor people around the world were killed by Somali pirates. Then only four days later Somali pirates hijacked a Danish Yacht with 7 people, including 3 children. Also the AP recently reported that, "Somali pirates commandeered a Greek-owned cargo vessel with 23 crew members," citing the European Union Naval Force. It said, "The MV Dover was hijacked in the northern Arabian Sea, 260 miles northeast of the the Omani port of Salalah, during a planned voyage from Yemen to Pakistan.

Such acts of piracy should not be tolerated by the United States or its allies. We have the means to control the high seas and to end such acts of piracy by using whatever force is necessary. This should also include action to invade Somalia port cities and seize any vessels that have been previously hijacked, to return them to their rightful owners, and to destroy all compounds or property identified as that belonging to Somali hijackers.

This may seem like strong words, but such strong action is necessary if America and its allies are to retain any respect with regard to US Naval supremacy in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea. Plus, if we do not take strong action to end piracy by Somali pirates, the millions upon millions of dollars they continue to receive in ransom for people, cargo and vessels will just continue to fund future acts of piracy and international terrorism.

The high seas are not Afghanistan where terrorists can hide in caves up in remote mountainous areas and mingle with the local tribal population. There is no where for pirates to hide on the open sea; they are wide open and we have the military superiority to take them all out. What we lack is the will or the gumption. What are we afraid of and why do we allow such acts of piracy to continue?

Are we afraid of how the rest of the world will view us if we exert force to destroy Somali pirates? Are we afraid that destroying pirates will cause more unrest in the Mid-east? Well, I'm not sure those are valid reasons for permitting piracy by Somali pirates to continue. Inaction makes the US and our allies look weak and only prompts more acts of piracy. Thus more innocent people will be hurt or killed by the Somali pirates in the future.

I realize the Arabian Sea covers a vast territory. But it would be possible to easily secure the coast of Somali with a blockade and to invade Somalia and establish a free port and command base of operations that could be made secure if the US just had the will to take the necessary steps to secure the region from acts of future piracy. If properly done the security thus provided would greatly contribute to the stability of the region in the future. In fact, if we established a base upon the Horn of Africa it might greatly aid in securing peace in the region for the next hundred years or longer.

Historically acts of piracy upon the high seas are greatly condemned by the majority of nations in the free world. It should be easy for both the Republicans and the Democrats to agree upon a declaration of war against the Somali pirates and all who harbor them; plus this should be a declaration that Obama and his administration should support, given it would be designed to bring peace and security to the area which is now under the power and control of uncivilized Somali pirates. Plus I would imagine that the majority of our allies would support any action taken to secure the high seas against Somali pirates, especially those nations and large companies who have suffered losses to the Somali pirates in the past.

By having Congress make a Declaration of War against Somali pirates we would then be justified in taking whatever military action is required to resolve the situation and would be doing it openly and honestly, rather than as a police action or undeclared military action as has often been done in so many situations in the past. Plus, it would be very good to establish a naval and/or military base in Somalia to control the Gulf of Aden and entry into the Red Sea.

This said, those who might view such strong action as unwarranted should note that we the people of the United States have no ill will toward the majority of good people in Somalia ... it is only the pirates and those who harbor them that we should take up arms to defend the free world against. There are many good people in Somalia and those who are just struggling to survive we may embrace with aid; but those who turn to piracy we should annihilate and destroy, especially when they pose a threat to the free and loving souls of the world who are only trying to make it a better place by worshiping a God of love.

Yes, I realize that it may sound contradictory to be recommending war against the Somali pirates in one breath and then preaching about a God of love in the next. But if you believe there is good and evil in the world, then there is nothing wrong with fighting for God and country, for freedom and liberty against all that is evil and corrupt. That is basically what the United States of America has endeavor to do historically when we waged war against Nazi German and Imperialist Japan during World War II. It is also what we did in during the Korean War and Vietnam War as well as the Cold War against communist Russia. So why should we cower away from doing what would be right and just to secure the high seas against Somali pirates who are evil, inhumane and anti-God.

Certainly the world would be better off without Somali pirates and the majority of humanity would thank America for taking action to secure the high seas against future acts of piracy. Plus this would set a precedent for how future acts of piracy might be dealt with around the world. If we declare war on the Somali pirates and bring them to justice, it will go a long way to deterring future acts of piracy all around the world, and so make the high seas safe for all of humanity.

One last though: The Horn of Africa includes that region where man as a species is believed to have first evolved. All the people of the world may be traced back to this region of the globe, genetically linked to that Eve of Genesis where the fossil bones of our ancient ancestors have been discovered in dried earth. Thus the Horn of Africa justifiably belongs to all the people of the world and we would have as much right to be there as does anyone else. It would thus be fitting that our great nation reclaim a piece of the Horn of Africa for civilized humanity and perhaps turn it back into a Garden of Eden. God only knows the Somalis are never going to do much with the Horn of Africa except use it to plunder the high seas.


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