The Pyrotechnic Pen

Provocative, insightful advocate for children, the elderly, animals, the environment and all who cannot speak for themselves; a must read for conservatives and liberals alike!

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Location: United States

Enjoy throwing kisses to the world, hugging trees, petting my dog, cuddling up with a good book to read, loving all of God's creatures great and small, writing poetry, the romance of fireflies dancing in the fields and forests, hiking, camping, fishing, sailing, scuba diving, waterfalls, the ocean, and the company of good people who are working to make the world a better place for the children of the future.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Republican stand against health care reform, abandons American people

On Christmas eve the US Senate voted along party lines 60-39 to support health care reform.  This represents a historic occasion, one which all patriotic Americans may take pride in and rejoice.  However, the failure of Republicans to support health care reform represents a slap in the face of millions of needy people by selfish, inconsiderate politicians who do not really care about the health and welfare of those who may be less fortunate than themselves.  The electorate should remember how these selfish politicians voted against health care reform and throw them out of office when they come up for re-elections.

It is time that the American people come together on the issue of health care reform.  Both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives have now passed health care reform legislation.  Yet the relatively rich, well-to-do republicans representing insurance company lobbyist and big business interest, failed miserably to listen to the people and support health care reform.  The majority of Americans have spoken and said that they want the same access to health care as the more fortunate, employed, and wealth portion of our population enjoys.  Republicans should therefore stop acting like stubborn pachyderms with a tuck up their butt and support reformation of the health care industry.

Unfortunately Mississippi is being hurt by the same right wing ultra conservative republican leadership which rejected health care reform.  Here we are fighting two wars, thousands of soldiers making the ultimate sacrifice for their country, many more returning from the front lines having lost arms, legs or suffered life-long brain injury as a result of IED explosions or other combat injuries, and republicans who support their walking into harms way will not even support health care reform.  This is insane!

Even though veterans may have health care, when a soldier comes home his injuries effect not only him, but his or her whole family.  When health care is not regulated and provided economically for any group, it runs up the cost of health care for everyone.  One of the results is that the states then have the burden of caring for those who do not have health care, especially the elderly, which leads to a corrupt process that can result in the loss of homes, the break up of families, and the virtual imprisonment of the elderly in institutions and privately owned care facilities which rape and rob them of everything they have.

I have experienced first hand seeing how a failed health care system works.  Even though my dear mother, La Faye S. Lynch, had a fantastic package of benefits provided by the VA, Medicare and Medicaid, when she grew old, became ill and, upon the recommendation of her doctor was placed in a nursing home, then began a process of exploitation, rape and robbery by those in power to take everything from our family.  The result was loss of our home, everything my parents had work and fought to secure for their family, and the destruction of my family.  This was enabled as the only way to fund the astronomical cost of health care was to take power and control of all income and property, to rape and rob my dear mother and destroy her family.  Such an atrocity, enabled by a corrupt state government and broken health care system, would never have happened given a national system which provided health care equally to all people.

Therefore when I see republicans lining up to vote, one and all, against health care reform, I cannot but wonder what stock they own in insurance companies, how much money they are getting paid by the lobbyist representing big business, and what lies they may be telling the American people to secure their own little nest egg for themselves.  These same republicans are often the ones who own the nursing homes or otherwise have their fingers in the cookie jar such that when people become ill or incapacitated they will reap the reward.  Hence it is not only a selfish act when such republicans fail to support health care reform, it is greedy, cruel and an utter unjust exploitation of the poor, helpless or incapacitated!

When a newspaper like The Clarke County Tribune then turns around and tries to brain wash its readers to stepping in line and following Newt tooting republicans, it is especially disturbing.  One must ask why this is being done?  Who benefits?  How much money is being gained?  What power and control mechanism is being put in place?  Who is benefiting by such attempts to control how people think and vote?  These are critical questions, especially given the fact that the people have now spoken and said they want health care reform, yet such Newt tooting newspapers continue to be led around, like a parade of reform each chained to the others, marching in line, leaving in their trail piles of pachyderm poop that we all step in every time we open up the newspaper.

It is quite disgusting, really, especially when you then realize that what is being gained is money!  Republicans and those media outlets which are tooting for Newt gain financially by denouncing health care reform.  They are part of the broken health care system and hence part of the ruin of America.  Thank God that we now have a president like Barack Obama, who is able to lead our great nation forward and muster majority support for health care reform!

I hope and pray that health care reform will become a reality soon.  I also pray that then republicans will see the light and get behind health care reform, to improve upon that legislation already drafted to bring more economical and better health care to all Americans.  I also pray that the day will come when it will be illegal in our great nation to rape and rob the elderly and their families when a family member grows old, becomes incapacitated, or otherwise suffers accident or injury resulting in catastrophic health care costs.  We none are free when there is one who has done nothing but loved, yet is locked away behind electric doors and iron gates, made a nursing home prisoner that others might exploit, rape and rob them for their own private benefit.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A soldier's story or Newt Poop

I'm lucky.  As an Army brat I grew up living in a number of different places around the country and abroad.  Hence I had friends of many different races and national origins and did not turn out to be a racist or prejudice as were many of the kids in schools which I attended in the deep south.  Also my parents were Christians; my mother was raised as a Methodist, her father being a Methodist Minister, and my father was a Presbyterian.  Hence I learned from an early age that God was Love but you better do what your daddy says or ELSE, which meant a belt to the butt!

Yet despite this strict upbringing I was recently called a "racist" by Mr. Wade C. Bolen, editor of The Clarke County Tribune.  Such a statement could be no further from the truth.  It was a bald faced lie, pure and simple, based not on fact, but conjecture, a statement made perhaps in revenge to my defense of President Obama and his support as our Commander in Chief.

I recently met Mr. Bolen.  I had gone to the newspaper office to renew my subscription when he happened to walk through the door.  I promptly introduced myself and in the course of our brief conversation told him flat out that I was not a "racist!"  But I'm not sure if he got the message as Mr. Bolen seems a pretty stubborn gentleman to me.  Why it might take some more knocking to pound that fact into Mr. Bolen's thick skull.  I AM NOT A RACIST!  Do you get it now, Mr. Bolen?

What I am is a very patriotic American.  That's why when I open The Clarke County Tribune and see it filled with radical, anti-American, right-wing propaganda every week, I can't help but get the impression that someone has fallen into a vat of Newt poop!

As an Army brat I learned what Newt poop smelled and looked like at a very early age.  My Dad was posted in Orleans, France, and was charged with such critical missions as supplying allied forces with supplies, munitions, and designing evacuation plans for allied forces in the event of a nuclear war!  One day while out for a walk he showed me a pile of "road apples," a large mound of dung deposited by large draft horses which were used to pull wagon loads of wheat.  These were huge horses, like the Clydesdale Budweiser horses, and when they pooped, it left a mountain heap of dung which reeked and made quite a stench; not something you would want to step in.  Well, Newt poop looks much the same as 'em road apples, and leaves one's misplaced foot with much the same stink!

Opening up The Clarke County Tribune every week and seeing Newt poop makes me wonder what's going on?  Every week there is a new anti-Obama cartoon and another guest columnist tooting or pooping for Newt.  So knowing Newt poop when I see it, and being a patriotic American, I have to stand up and defend those who are bashing my president.  Hence I call the shots like I see them and feel it is quite accurate, correct and on target to say that such propaganda is anti-American, racist, and aids and abets our real enemies, which is al-Qaida and the Taliban.

Last time I heard we were at war on two fronts, one in Iraq and another in Afghanistan.  I happen to know what it is like to have to be the one going to ring the bell on homes and deliver the bad news that someone's husband or son will not be coming home from the war.  You see, I grew up hearing all my Dad's war stories.  And the worse ones of all were how terrible it was having to bring home that news to the wives, children and parents of a soldier killed in action.  That was my father's duty during the Vietnam War, and in the end it broke his heart and killed him.

Apparently Mr. Bolen doesn't get it.  We are all Americans here and like it or not President Obama is our President and Commander in Chief.  We need to rally around the President during these tough times, give him all the support we can, and focus our frustration and anger instead upon our common enemies, the Taliban, al-Qaida, and others around the world who seek to destroy our great nation.

You may enjoy pooping upon our President, Mr. Bolen, and you may be doing just what the owner of The Clarke County Tribune wants, but it ain't pretty and it ain't nice to be Newt pooping on the President during a time of war!  You just don't seem to get it.  I guess you never had to go knocking on doors and tell someone their son or daughter was never coming home.  Supporting our troops, Mr. Bolen, means also supporting the Commander in Chief, and not trying to make him look a fool to everyone who reads your rag.

Quite frankly the reason I decided to renew my subscription to The Clarke County Tribune was so I could monitor the Newt poop you are publishing and dispose of it with my Newt poop scooper.  One thing I learned growing up as the son of a much decorated soldier was how to scoop poop!  In the Army they have another term for it, *@#$! runs down the leash, such that the lower downs in the chain of command end up kicking the dog.  You are the dog, Mr. Bolen, and although I respect your rights to express your opinion, I don't like the Newt poop you are using to trash our President  with every week.  Thus I'm telling everyone that 'em road apples you've been plopping about President Obama are just so much Newt poop, and since *@#$! runs down the leash, here's kicking your butt!

Shame on The Clarke County Tribune for not supporting our President and Commander in Chief during this time of war.  Yes, it will take more than 30,000 additional troops to win the war on terrorism, and in my opinion the fighting of this war and every war should be left to the generals.  Politicians simply do not know how to win a war.  If its about winning then there should be no holds barred and we should get serious with al-Qaida, the Taliban and any and all who aid and abed our enemies.  That's why I say The Clarke County Tribune is acting like a traitor.  You can't go around pooping Newt poop on the President when someone is ringing door bells telling a wife their husband won't be coming home or bringing that tragic news to parents that their son or daughter was killed in action.

How then do you express your disagreement with the President?  You do it directly.  You encourage people to address letters to the President.  If you want you may publish such letters as open letters to President Obama.  Also, you make a point to express both sides of an issue and give equal time or space to columnists who support the President.  Otherwise you come out looking lopsided, anti-American, racist, and like so much Newt poop!

Also notice that this ain't personal, Mr. Bolen.  Like I told you to your face, I am NOT a racist.  But The Clarke County Tribune is looking racist and coming across as being racist because of what it is doing and what it is publishing.  Also by not supporting our Commander in Chief, even if you disagree with some things he does, the newspaper comes across looking anti-American, and aids and abets our enemies in spirit, which helps the enemy in its efforts to divide and conquer these great United States of America.

I'd like to see The Clarke County Tribune say that it supports our President as Commander in Chief, even if it doesn't agree with everything President Obama does.  God only knows that I do not agree with everything President Obama does.  Like I said, I think we should leave fighting wars over to the generals, and Obama was never a soldier and certainly isn't a general.  Hence we all need to support our President and pray that with our support we may all come out as victors in the war on terrorism.