The Pyrotechnic Pen

Provocative, insightful advocate for children, the elderly, animals, the environment and all who cannot speak for themselves; a must read for conservatives and liberals alike!

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Location: United States

Enjoy throwing kisses to the world, hugging trees, petting my dog, cuddling up with a good book to read, loving all of God's creatures great and small, writing poetry, the romance of fireflies dancing in the fields and forests, hiking, camping, fishing, sailing, scuba diving, waterfalls, the ocean, and the company of good people who are working to make the world a better place for the children of the future.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

McDonald’s Makes 911 Denial of Service Scam

McDonald’s Makes 911 Denial of Service Scam

McDonald’s makes horrible false accusations about a photographer to deny service through
 inappropriate use of 911 and law enforcement to chastise, humiliate, and virtually rape the author who, as a senior citizen, was a regular and good customer.

The author at McD’s where he was removed by a law enforcement officer armed with a pistol who did not identify himself, was not wearing a uniform, nor did he even show a badge.  The officer, a member of the Quitman Police Department, just appeared and ordered, “Gather up your stuff and leave!”  Then the officer stood ready to draw and fire his pistol.

    Ever since I sat down and spoke with the late Annis Collins at a Chamber of Commerce sponsored meeting in 2014, some people in Quitman, Mississippi, have labeled me a “nigger lover pervert!”  This is a horrible profanity!  But when the sentiment is turned into a denial of service based upon equally horrible and monstrous false accusations, it amounts to a public lynching and demands justice!

Lynch met Annis Collins in 2014 and help her by promoting Juneteeth and the March of Dimes.  Some white people in the community then labeled Lynch as a “nigger lover pervert!” 
Mc Donald’s denied Lynch service after he became a frequently customer and always treated the African American employees with dignity and respect, complementing them on their hair and jewelry, and always being sure to say, “Thank you!  Have a good day!  God bless you!” 

    Indeed, I treat all people with dignity and respect based upon the content of their character, not the color of their skin.  I also am a strong advocate for justice which is why I will not allow this outrage false and utterly slanderous and monstrous accusation made by
McDonald’s to go unanswered.

    These are the facts.  Recently I was denied service by McDonald’s in Quitman, MS, based upon false, slanderous, defamatory, unwarranted, and horrible accusations.  On April 16, 2018, McDonald’s spilled scalding hot coffee on me.  The owner was not present and I was not given an official complaint form to fill out as requested.  However, I did not want any black employees to be disciplined or fired, and told the owner she might just comp’ed me next time I came in.

    The on April 30 I was removed from McDonald’s by force of arms.  On May 10 I was subjected to an investigation while under duress by officers armed with 9mm pistols from the State Attorney General’s office.  This was done at the Quitman Public Library, and I told the librarian afterwards that I, “Felt like was raped!”

    State investigators spent over two hours invading my privacy, inserting their flash drive, probing and poking with OS Triage software, and found NOTHING illegal upon my system.  proves that McDonald’s was harassing me and denying service based upon false, slanderous, defamatory, unwarrated, and horrible accusations.

    The truth is I am not prejudice toward African Americans.  McDonald’s and everyone involved in this misusage of law enforcement owes me a written apology and just compensation.  I’m thinking $10-million or how ever much a good lawyer recommends when they file a claim.

    I am asking everyone who believes in justice to please help.  Make a pledge and contribution to Terry’s Fund at  All contributions will be used to raise awareness and work to stop 911 Denial of Service Scams (911DOS Scams) which are racially motivated and horrible forms of discrimination, if not hate crimes, given that is surely what motivates those who engage in such terrible false and horrid accusations.

    Also I am calling for a  boycott on McDonald’s until their national headquarters does what Starbucks did:  give all employees training to stop denial of service and inappropriate usage of 911 and law enforcement based upon racial profiling and/or other prejudice.

    Now to show that I love McD’s but NOT their racial profiling, and certainly not how they hurt, harmed, and victimized me, I have made an “Eat me!” burger design.  I am asking everyone who loves McD’s to buy an “Eat me!” burger design t-shirt, tank top, jersey, or other “Eat me!” burger gift/apparel item.
                                      Eat Me!  A great collection of burger gifts and apparel.

    Then when people see you wearing an “Eat me!” burger design, tell them you got it from that photographer who took a photograph of a burger at McD’s and then was denied service based upon the horrible, profane accusation that he was a “nigger lover pervert!”

                                                     More Great Eat Me Gifts and Apparel
         Eat Me!  Great burger gifts and apparel at:

         Eat Me!  Great burger gifts and apparel at:

           Eat Me! Take a bite out of my burger.

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