The Pyrotechnic Pen

Provocative, insightful advocate for children, the elderly, animals, the environment and all who cannot speak for themselves; a must read for conservatives and liberals alike!

My Photo
Location: United States

Enjoy throwing kisses to the world, hugging trees, petting my dog, cuddling up with a good book to read, loving all of God's creatures great and small, writing poetry, the romance of fireflies dancing in the fields and forests, hiking, camping, fishing, sailing, scuba diving, waterfalls, the ocean, and the company of good people who are working to make the world a better place for the children of the future.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Scammers/spammers now posing as political activists and attorneys

Click on pic to visit emporium

I've seen a lot of variation of African scams, but now their is a version going around from persons claiming to be a political activist and attorney, proposing to want to secure campaign funds. I received a copy of one of these which is shown below entitled:

"Subj: Highly confidential information"
Posted Date: 7/29/06 7:20:54 PM Central Daylight Time
From: ***censored by CyberPatrol***
which reads as follows:

    Dear friend

    My name is Mr. Fui Tsikata, a political activist and an attorney. I am a member of my party’s executive committee.

    My aim of contacting you is to crave your indulgence to assist us in securing some funds, abroad for safe keeping which incidentally was kept to help us finance the forth coming elections in 2008. Fortunately with my immediate assistance, and contact, we were able to deposit the money in a security vault abroad pending when the fund would be needed.

    The need to contact you arose from the fact that the present government is cracking down on the opposition and trying to trace all the funds that belong to it, if they succeed in tracing this fund to us, they will seize it and thereby incapacitating our campaign abilities. We wish to relocate this fund in a foreigner's name to avoid any trace. All I need from you is an assurance that you can handle the amount involved (US$52,000,000) comfortably and that I can also trust you with this arrangement.

    Be rest assured that there is no risk involved since I have taken care of everything. I want you to immediately inform me of your willingness in assisting and co-operating with us, so that I can send you full details of this transaction and let us make arrangement for a meeting and discuss at length on how to transfer this funds. I am able to give you my name without fear because I got your email address contact from a very reliable and dependable friend whose judgment I trust completely, so it would be appreciated if you can maintain the confidential nature of this letter and the whole transaction.

    Please if you are not interested in this business, let me know in time, so that I can contact someone else. You can send your reply through my alternative email address for security measures : ***censored by CyberPatrol***

    Yours sincerely,
    Mr. Fui Tsikata


I have received numerous such scam letters in the past, perhaps owning to the fact that I have authored many articles and my work is widely published on the Internet along with my email address. Thus I guess once on a scammers shit list, always on a scammers shit list!

These type of scam letters are a real nusance. I'm not sure how to stop them. Anyone who honestly posts their email address on the Internet is obviously going to become a target of scammers, phisher and other low life. Given these people use free service providers and are often located off shore, there is really no way to stop them except, perhaps, by having unlisted email addresses.

My reason for reposting this particular scam email is simply to alert others to the fact such emails are a scam. If you get such an email probably the best thing to do is ignore it and/or block email from the address of the sender and/or any other reply email addresses. You may also report these type of scam emails to your ISP (Internet Service Provider) that they may block them from everyone's email.

I have seen so many variations of these scam emails that I wonder who has the time to write thest things? Obviously there is a cottage industry of scam artists that has grown up in Nigeria and other third world countries. What is so pitiful about these scam artists is that if they spent half as much time working to create real business opportunities on the Internet they could probably grow quite rich.

I guess there are just people who like to try to rip off other people or get some sick pleasure out of creating and shoveling piles of dung in the form of scam emails. People who seek to hurt and harm others, who seek to scam others out of their money with get rich quick scheme offers and ploys, really are a degenerate sort. It makes me wish there were some sort of electronic rat trap people could install on their email boxes that would automatically fire back a reply in the form of a killer virus that would wipe out all the data on the hard drives of these scammers and phishers!

Should anyone have some other ideas for how to deal with these scammers and phishers I would love to hear your suggestions. Please post your comments. Thanks.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Pyrotechnic Pen

The Pyrotechnic Pen

Oprah Advocates Raising Minimum Wage/Universal Health Insurance

Get It Up!  Raise Minimum Wage!

Yesterday (July 28, 2006) I watched Oprah's show on ABC focusing on raising the minimum wage and advocacy for universal health insurance/care. Oprah made her point by featuring the lives of women who were employed and earned minimum wage, demonstrating how this was not sufficient to provide all the necessities of life, concluding that action was necessary NOW to provide a LIVING WAGE, enough that people could provide adequately for themselves and their families; that also it was necessary to provide health insurance/care for everyone in America.

I was so touched by Oprah's program that I made a series of designs to promote raising the minimum wage and support of universal health insurance/care. I urge that everyone in America help in raising awareness and promoting these vital causes by purchasing these design items and displaying them pomanently in your home, school and/or place of work!

Pay Living

Click on pic to visit store
Raise Minimum

Click on pic to visit store

Get It Up!
Click on pic to visit store
Raise Minimum Wage

Write Congress
Click on pic to visit store
Raise Minimum Wage

Support Universal
Click on pic to visit store
Health Insurance

Write Congress!
Click on pic to visit store
Universal Health Insurance

Wipe Out
Click on pic to visit store

It is vital that all Americans stand up and help promote a raise in minimum wage and support on universal health insurance/care. As Oprah pointed out in her program, there are over 30 million American who earn only minimum wage. This is not enough to support an individual, much less a family! It is a disgrace that employers are paying such low wages and have to be compelled by law to provide a decent living for workers!

This is one of the great injustices which exists in America. We are spending billions and billions of dollars to fight a war on terrorism and help rebuild Iraq, yet we are not helping our own citizens taking action to wipe out poverty in America! It is critical to the quality of life, indeed, to the survival of our nation, that both states and the federal government act to immediately rectify this situation.

I join with Oprah is asking that everyone write their state representatives and members of Congress. Urge that states raise the minimum wage to a reasonable living wage, that all working Americans may earn enough to provide a good quality life for themselves and their families. Both the states need to do this as well as the federal government.

What is a reasonable living wage? Quite frankly this varies over time, especially with inflation. And do you know what, most state legislations and the US Congress regularly grant themselves pay raises but neglect doing the same with respect to the minimum wage!

The fact is no state is paying a minimum wage sufficient to enable working Americans to get out of poverty. And no state is providing universal health insurance/care for its citizens! We are one of the riches countries in the world, yet we are failing to provide over 30 million citizens with an income that will enable them to get out of poverty!

This is why I have joined with Oprah to advocate support of legislation to provide a living wage and universal health insurance/care. I have created a series of Money Ware Designs which feature $10,000.00 bills to attract attention superimposes upon a network symbolic of people coming together to support raising the minimum wage and providing all citizens with universal health insurance/care that poverty in America may be wiped out!

Wipe Out
Click on pic to visit store

Please help wipe out poverty in America and insure that no child or adult goes without food, clothing or shelter. Support a living wage and universal health insurance/care!

Please share this information with everyone you know. Urge that others join in a grassroots movement to wipe out poverty in America! No child should be hungry! No child should be without health care! No child should be homeless! No child should be without clothing to keep warm! No child should be cast out of their home with their parents because employers are not providing a living wage! And this should apply equally to the parents and care providers of all children!

Raising the minimum wage and providing universal health insurance/care to every American should not be a political issue! This is not a matter of rich vs. poor. This is common sense, common human decency! Therefore I ask all Americans of common sense to support and promote a reasonable living wage and universal health insurance/care for all citizens!

Comments from all are welcome. Let's get a debate going. If you have some good ideas to share related to this issue, please speak up. If we don't take action NOW to rectify this situation, then tomorrow there will be 40, 50, 60 ... perhaps 100 million Americans in poverty!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Oil profits up! A Call for Holy War!

Ayman al-Zawahri, al-Qaeda second in command, calls for Holy War against USA and Israel
Make Holy War. Ayman al-Zawahri, al-Qaeda second in command, calls for Holy War against USA and Israel.

What do you think of this? Today's headlines (26 July, 2006) read that oil profits were up and that a call for a wider Holy War has been issued by al-Quadae's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahri. So here we are with the fanatical terrorists from oil rich nations calling for Holy War while we all are paying higher prices for gas at the pump! On the same day this ding bat calls for a Holy War against the US and Israel Exxon Mobil announces a whopping $10.36 billion second quarter earnings! What's going on here? What is the connection between a Holy War and higher gas prices?

I don't know about you but I smell a rat! How can the oil companies justify such high prices for gas and be making billions upon billions of dollars in earnings hurting everyone who has to pay these high prices while we are all being targeted for destructions by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists? Those setting the price of oil are putting power and control in the hands of the filthy rich brokers of war and terrorism!

The US needs to get tough on the oil companies as well as upon nations like Iran who are sponsoring Islamic fundamentalist terrorists and let them know that we refuse to be black mailed. Every American, in fact the whole world, is being held hostage by the oil rich nations who are using the price of oil to support their anti-American regimes and extort money from the global community, money which often ends up supporting terrorist groups or hostile governments which in turn results in loss of American lives when we send young men and women over seas to fight terrorism.

Moreover, a sane approach needs to be adopted by all peace loving peoples that prices not be let to go through the roof. It is easy to say that the market is like a wild animal out of control without a master. But the fact is we are the masters of our own fate and least we control the market it will turn on us, bite everyone in the ass and destroy us all.

Those who can afford higher gas prices may only experience a small discomfort, but for the vast majority of the world's population, higher oil and gas prices mean they sink deeper into the pits of desperation. Part of the problem is that America is not joining in the battle to wage a counter Holy War against Islamic fundamentalism, to advocate the abolition of this fanatical religion all together.

I say that those Islamic fundamentalist who advocate martyrdom in the name of Allah are satanic in nature, utterly evil and helplessly insane! All who believe and preach such crap as spouts from the mouth of Ayman al-Zawahri and Osama bin Laden need to be silenced! This may require drastic measures, certainly weeding them out and bringing them to justice, not before Islamic courts which are a travesty of justice, but simply put under the gun and blown away!

Such measures are needed to stop future acts or terrorism against the United States and our allies and ultimately save American lives. But this is not all we need to do. We need to implement educational campaign in all Islamic nations to teach democracy and tolerance for all religions, especially Jewdeo-Christian religions. Presently in some nations, like Afghanistan, if you convert from a Muslim to Christianity you are regarded as insane. In fact the exact opposite is true. The fanatic who hold this belief are the ones who are mad!

You may not agree with me. Plenty of people go through their whole lives letting others beat, bully and batter them. But I am not one of those. I learned a long time ago that the way to stop a bully is to fight back, and if words and logic will not stop the bully you have to use your fists or whatever other weapons and methods of defense is required. Therefore I do not turn the other cheek if someone assaults me; rather, I fight back with whatever means is at my disposal.

This same approach needs to be applied to dealing with Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. This is NOT a Republican vs. Democrat issue. This is a life or death issue, a matter of survival. Either we join together regardless of our political party associations and destroy Islamic fundamentalism, its advocates, preacher and distributors, its growing armies of terrorists, or we suffer and die at their hand, at home or abroad.

We must remember that religious freedom is established by the United States Constitution for American citizens. In other nations such as Iran and Syria there is no such thing as religious freedom. If you are a Jew or a Christian you are regarded as the enemy by Islamic fundamentalist. In fact, Ayman al-Zawahri and other Islamic fundamentalists teach that America is the "Great Satan" and Israel must be destroyed!

Iran is currently engaged in effort to build a nuclear bomb so that it may provide this ultimate weapon of mass destruction to terrorists, that they may destroy Israel. The missiles being fired into Israel today may soon turn into Scuds provided by North Korea via Iran to terrorist in Syria or Lebanon. We cannot allow this to happen so we must act through whatever preemptive show of force is necessary to prevent this from ever becoming even a remote possibility.

The United States and Israel are the ones being targeted by Islamic fundamentalists as they know that we are the ones who recognize them for what they are, pure evil. If we let the archaic evil forces of brain washed Islamic fundamentalists continue to spread their sick ideology around the world unchallenged, then it will only lead to wider war and unending international conflict -- and ultimately to a nuclear confrontation between Israel and its enemies, those terrorism sponsoring states like Iran and Syria.

I suggest that we send a clear warning to Iran, Syria and other terrorist sponsoring nations to cease and desist from their sponsorship of terrorism, that this be done by exploding a nuclear weapon in the Persian Gulf or Caspian Sea north of Tehran at night, as a test and a warming, such that all can see we mean business. This should be accompanied by a warning that if Iran and Syria do not cease and desist from further sponsorship or terrorism and halt all efforts to enrich uranium and obtain the materials required to produce a nuclear weapon, that we will provide them with one on site and in country!

No doubt this policy of carrying a big stick and shacking it in the face of Iran and Syria may result in an out cry from other nations, but these other nations are not the ones being targeted by Ayman al-Zawahri for destruction via calling for a Holy War. America and Israel are the ones being targeted so we must act with a show of force to motivate our enemies to stop their threats, to round up terrorist themselves and alter their ways if they want to survive.

It would be nice if diplomacy would work, but unfortunately terrorists understand only one thing, that which they preach. Instead of wasting thousands of American lives fighting and dying in the great sand boxes of Iraq and Afghanistan, a simple display of nuclear force would go a long way to encouraging our enemies to listen to reason. It worked with Imperial Japanese in 1945 and would probably work again with the Moslem fundamentalist nations. In fact if we let them know that we will turn Mecca into a nuclear radiation graveyard that cannot be safely visited for 100,000 years, I'm sure the leaders of the Arab world will start taking America seriously and step up their own efforts to rid their nations of terrorists, despots and radicals who are leading them down the road toward their own doom and destruction.

Certainly this form of saber rattling will get Ayman al-Zawahri's attention. It may even stop this towel headed nut case from spouting his Holy War crap. On second thought it probably won't. Ayman al-Zawahri has been brainwashed to such an extent that the only thing which will shut him up is a new ass hole in this turban!

Now please don't misunderstand me. I have nothing against the vast majority of Arab people. It is only the terrorist and those who support terrorism that I admonish. Using greater and over whelming military force to destroy an enemy is a basic principle of warfare. Military force is used to preserve one's own life and advance ones own cause. As Ayman al-Zawahri is calling for a Holy War against the United States and Israel, I am merely suggesting that we make it quite clear we will use over whelming military force to destroy any and all who dare threaten the United States of America, and that this over whelming force will include demonstrating our thermonuclear weapons capabilities.

When one sees a great fireworks display they soon learn to respect explosives. This is why the military has long used exhibit and display of its weapons system in action. By learning our capability the enemy learns to respect our rights. This same strategy has been used by other nuclear powers including Russia and China and most recently, India and Pakistan. I suggest we use a display of our nuclear capability with the explosion of an announced nuclear test in the Persian Gulf or Caspian Sea to send a clear warning to Iran and Syria that they better deal with their terrorist themselves and with their terrorist sponsoring regimes before we deal with them ourselves!

This is a radicle approach and represens perhaps a new form of diplomacy. Certainly it violates above ground test ban treaties, though certainly this could be done as an explosion under water. I would be curious to know what others think? Would this be going too far? Would exploding a nuclear device in the Persian Gulf or Caspian Sea serve only to unite the Arab world against Israel and the Unites States? Would it be better to explode a bomb in the Dasht-E Kavir region southeast of Tehran? Or should we just make a preemptive strike and destroy Iran's nuclear plants? Or maybe you think we should we wait until Iran develops a nuclear bomb and gives it to terrorist to blow up Tel-Aviv, New York City or Washington, D.C. before we respond? What do you think?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Stand up and be counted

Many elderly citizens can not speak for themselves. They have been removed from society, locked away behind electric doors, warehoused in nursing homes, power and control of their lives, income, property all taken away from them.

This is a terrible situation. Yet it is happening to hundreds of thousands of elderly Americans. This is a great travesty of justice. No one is free in America so long as the parents or grandparents of any one of us is warehoused!

I call for all people who love America and their parents or grandparents to take a stand with me and work to rectify this situation. It is a crime against humanity to warehouse the elderly!

Take a stand today and begin to rectify this terrilbe situation. There are better ways to care for the elderly than to warehouse them in inhumane institutions.

This is a issue which Democrats, Republicans, Independents and non-party affilates should all support. It is an issue which effects all citizens for we each have parents and/or grandparents and should we be blessed to live long enough we will all one day be elderly.

I urge everyone to stand up and be counted. Visit ERA (Elder Rights Association) and
learn what has happened to one elderly American who has been exploited by the broken elder warehousing system!

Thank you for taking a moment to do this.

Should anyone else have a horror story to tell about their elderly parents or grandparents please post it in comment/reply to this post. People need to read these stories and become aware of what type of abuse and exploitation is going on in these often archaic hell holes that call themselves nurshing homes. They are not nurshing homes ... they are death traps!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Support the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment

Support the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment!

Click on pic to visit the ERA Emporium

Who will be your guardian/conservator?

Please support an amendment to the US Constitution and to all state constitutions which says the following:

The right of each person to designate, specify and appoint their own guardian and conservator and make this assignment for their dependents shall not be abridged.

Please write your state and US congressional representatives and ask them to support the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment and to introduce legislation to adopt the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment.

Many states now permit nonrelative judges to make appointment of guardian and conservator in the event one becomes incapacitated. This allows the courts to decide this issue instead of individuals and citizens at a time when those who are having their fate determined by the court are not in a position to challenge the court's action, resulting in extreme opportunity to exploit the elderly. This is exactly what happened to La Faye S. Lynch and which is happening to thousands of elderly Americans.

The best way to change the way this form of corruption and exploitation of the elderly is to change the law and to make it the law of the land that each person may designate their own guardian and conservator. The present system of allowing judges to be the final denominator in designating a guardian/conservator promotes corruption such that judges, lawyers and even care providers will act so as to exploit the elderly for their own selfish purposes and gain. This is a travesty of justice which makes all elderly potential slave to the broken elderly care system.

I urge everyone to contact their state and US Congressional representatives and begin the push for a constitutional amendment such that the right of each person to designate, specify and appoint their own guardian/conservator and to make this assignment for their dependents may not be abridged.

We must each act now through petitioning our representatives as when we are old it will be too late for us to get the laws changed. Please Support the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment that the all Americans will be free to determine their own fate, even when the become incapacitated.

After what happened to my dear mother, La Faye S. Lynch, I became aware of how corrupt the elder care system in Alabama was. In talking to others I have learned that this is a problem nation wide, that the elder care system is broken and corrupt across America, in large part due to the fact that people do not have the right to appoint their own guardian/conservator or make this designation for their dependents.

Please help me rectify this situation. I have started the ERA (Elder Rights Association) and am working to make people everywhere aware of the fact that the elder care system is broken and corrupt; that we need to change the law of the land that the rights of people cannot be abridge simply because they grow old.

Everyone who wishes to help is encouraged to make a donation. Please help as this will give me the financial means to make people aware and to work for reformation of the presently corrupt and broken elder care system.

If we stand silently by making excuses nothing will even change and the power that be will continue to abuse and exploit the elderly just as classroom bullies beat and batter children who are smaller than them. All powerful judges, lawyers and greedy care providers who have no hearts nor love, are largely motivated by money and seek only to line their own pockets via robbing the estates of the elderly. Because the elderly often cannot speak for themselves the corruption in the system goes unchallenged. The result is elderly who are warehoused, confined in tiny concrete cubicles, noisy cells, the dying packed together with the dying, locked behind electric doors under 24 hour watch by security guards to prevent their escape.

The glutton who are lining their pockets with the fortune and wealth of families have no compassion nor will to right this wrong for it is making them filthy wealthy! This includes lawyers, judges and care providers who are milking the elderly for every last cent they can get. They even sue those most devoted family members trying to help their elderly parents and grandparents, destroying families in the process. It is justice gone nuts and, ironically those who do the injustice turn around and try to convince everyone else that somehow those who love their elderly parents and grandparents are nuts for wanting to help them!

This is essentially what happened to me when I stood up for my own elderly mother's rights and fought the system. Efforts were made to defame and discredit me with lies, deception, false claims and charges. The result, however, was that learned just how corrupt and broken the system is and am determined to see those who have hurt and harmed me, my dear mother and other elderly shall not be permitted to continue their bullying and battering, will be dethroned and themselves admonished for their evil deeds and crimes.

I am quite aware that to change the system one needs the means. Money is power and without this it is difficult to change the system. Therefore I urge everyone who is aware of the corruption in the elder care system to help me by making a donation. Give however much you can and I will champion the cause for the rights of all elderly Americas, that one day all forms of corruption may be vanished and vanquished from those charged with caring for our elderly parents and grandparents.

If you cannot help by making a contribution then volunteer to promote the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment. Volunteers are needed in all states. Also everyone is urged to write your state and local representative to support the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment to the constitution of both your respective state and the United States. Only if this is done will power and control be taken away from judges and be given back to the people where it belongs.

Thank you for your help and God bless America!

Welcome to the Pyrotechnic Pen

The Pyrotechnic Pen was begun some years ago as a collection of letters to the editor published in newspapers around the nation. Click here to review and read these original letters.

The Pyrotechnic Pen is being published as a blog to enable immediate reading by both a national and international audience.

Warning: I am a liberal minded person who has an open mind and often present creative, novel solutions, positions or points of view with respect to problems and hot topics in the news. If you have a closed mind or are ultra conservative in your values or belief some of my opinions may upset you. That is YOUR problem, not mine, and I suggest you respond not by sending me hate email or making ignorant, foolish post, but by starting your own blog and call it something like Fools Forum, Dumb Fucker or Idiot's House.

I use my pen, AKA PC, like a sword, or rather a tourch to enlighten and inform. I am an advocate for the rights of those who cannot speak for themselves including children, the elderly, those who are mentally or physically challenged, as well as for the rights of animals and the preservation of the environment. Also I am a strong advocate for the ARTS and use graphic art and design to promote, advocate, educate and inform the general public, making people aware of critical issues.

I urge all who are in sympathy with me and/or those causes that I advocate to help this vital work. Please visit to make a contribution today. Thank you!

Please visit these other sites which I have produced:

The Pyrotechnic Pen (Archives) at

Byteland where Art is Life and Life is Art at

Byteland Art Gallery at

TopPics Awesome Designer Gifts at

Elder Rights Association at

ER (Elder Rights) Amendment at

ProjectK9 at

American Patriots Association at

Support America at

My Home Business Network at

Angel of Life Foundation at

Support Our Troops at

Firefly FAQs at

Blinks and Links at

SlugFest at

SpiderFest at

ButterflyFest at

Back Issues Available

Dear Friends & Associates,

I began The Pyrotechnic Pen some years ago as a collection of editorial letters which had been submitted to and/or published in newspapers around the nation. These letters are available for everyone read and review. Enjoy!

This present endeavor is to continue the process of self-publication in the form of a blog that will enable immediate availability by readers.

Warning: I am a liberal, open minded person. Often I have a different way of looking at problems and issues and may express original, very creative ideas. I often use my pen, AKC pc, as a sword, indeed as a tourch, to enlighten and inform, as that most powerful and persuasive of weapons, to strike a deadly blow at conservatives, at ignorant fools of folly, among which include the likes of President George W. Bush as well as terrorists around the world.

But more import is the fact that I am an advocate for the down trodden, for children, for the elderly, for those who are mentally and physically challenged, for those suffering from poverty, abuse and exploitation. I am also an advocate for animals, their health, care and welfare through the promotion of animal rights and efforts to educate and inform the general public in these regards. I cherish the natural environment and abhor how it is abused and exploited by people for their own selfish profit and gain!

All who wish to help those who often cannot speak for themselve are urged to join with me. Please help support this project. Visit to make a contribution today! Together we can work to make the world a better place by shedding a light upon ignorance, abuse and corruption when and wherever it is found. Thank you!

Please visit a few of my sites:

The Pyrotechnic Pen (An Anthology of Editorial Letters) at
Angel of Life Foundation at
Elder Rights Foundation at
Elder Rights Amendment at
Project K9 at
Byteland Art Gallery at
Toppica Awesome Designer Gifts at
Support the Arts at
Byteland Where Art Is Life And Life Is Art at
TALGSD (TAL Graphic Service & Design) at