The Pyrotechnic Pen

Provocative, insightful advocate for children, the elderly, animals, the environment and all who cannot speak for themselves; a must read for conservatives and liberals alike!

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Location: United States

Enjoy throwing kisses to the world, hugging trees, petting my dog, cuddling up with a good book to read, loving all of God's creatures great and small, writing poetry, the romance of fireflies dancing in the fields and forests, hiking, camping, fishing, sailing, scuba diving, waterfalls, the ocean, and the company of good people who are working to make the world a better place for the children of the future.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Census return rates low for Mississippi and Clarke County

Subject:  Census return rates low for Mississippi and Clarke County; no count made of people with pets!

By now everyone should have received a 2010 Census form.  These forms should be filled out accurately and returned by April 1, 2010.  The results are used to determine representation in Congress and how more that $400-billion in federal funds are apportioned over the next decade.

Did you know that you can keep track of the results of the 2010 Census?  As results come in they are tabulated by the Census Bureau.  Demographic maps are prepared which are posted on-line.  See Take 10 Map 2010 Census Participation Rates site where you can see the results for your area.

Although some residents may receive a long form the majority of 2010 Census forms only ask 10 questions and are easy to answer and complete.  It may be unfortunate that the 2010 Census does not ask more questions as there are many regions of the country as well as cities which could benefit from a more detailed accounting.  For example, the basic 10 question 2010 Census form is most specifically interested in establishing the race or national origins of respondents.  The basic 2010 Census form totally overlooks unemployment, religious affiliation, income level, automobile ownership, whether people have insurance, pets or other issues which relate to one's social-economic group.  Hence the distribution of federal funds cannot accurately take into account such aspects as the poverty level of a community.

Of course the purpose of the census is to count people, not pets.  But by excluding pets people who have pets and who spend an enormous amount of money upon their pets are not treated fairly when it comes to appropriation of federal money.  One of the consequences is then that these people and their communities have less resources for other needs such that many communities are over burden and cannot even afford such basic services as an animal control officer or animal shelter.  The result is that we have over 7-million homeless animals destroyed in the United State every year -- an estimate not based upon the census, but upon statistics from other sources.

The exclusion of people with pets from the 2010 Census count therefore does not take into account the reality that a great number of people, regardless of their income level, chose to have pets and spend a protion of their income or resources upon maintaining and caring for their pets.  When this factor is not even taken into account the result is prejudicial treatment of people with pets down the road.

With this in mind when I completed my own 2010 Census form I wrote in the fact that I own a dog.  If everyone who owns a dog or cat would write this in upon their 2010 Census form perhaps someone would get the message that pet owners want to be counted and pet owners want their fair share of federal tax dollars to be spent upon programs to provide for animal control officers and animal shelters.

In many areas where there is extreme poverty, sky rocketing unemployment and staggering rate of home foreclosures, the number of homeless animals has soared.  This is a problem that individuals do not have the financial resources to deal with effectively.  In Mississippi alone there are some 73,000 dogs and cats destroyed in animals shelters annually, plus thousands upon thousands more which suffer on the streets.  It would cost $73-million dollars per year to begin to deal with this problem effectively.  This is why when individuals who care about homeless animals try to help, they quickly become over burdened by the astronomical size of the problem.

The problem of homeless animals is so large that it is one which requires action by cities, towns, counties, states and even the federal government to solve.  But passing laws alone cannot solve problems; what is needed is money!  Money is needed to fund animal shelters and animal control officers.  Money is needed to fund rescue, spay, neuter and adopt programs.  Money is needed to fund community education programs related to the humane treatment of animals as well as to train volunteers to work in animal rescue.

Yet because the 2010 Census does not even make a count of people with pets, states are left with the financial burden of animal control.  Yet because the federal government ignores this issue, the states do not have the information they need either, such that the cycle of millions upon millions of homeless animals continues in America.  This is a great waste of life and resources, for historically pets add greatly to the quality of human life.

When I started Good Shepherd Dog Animal Rescue, Inc., a nonprofit organization, I was hoping that I could make a difference and save the lives of homeless animals.  Therefore when I learn that our nation does not even count people with pets, I'm very disappointed.  How can cities, towns, counties and states get the money to deal with the issue of homeless animals if the US Census does not even make a count of people with pets?  Not making a count is like ignoring the issue!

There are many critical issues which require our attention to improve the quality of life for all citizens.  This includes everything from proper funding for improvements in infrastructure to proper funding for animal rescue and control.  Yet before any problem can be fixed, the extent and nature of the problem needs to be understood.  Unfortunately the 2010 Census does not shed any light upon such critical issues as unemployment, home foreclosures, or how many people have pets that proper public funding for animal rescue and control may be made.

When I checked the 2010 Census Participation rates site on March 29, Clarke County had only a 23% return rate compared to a 29% participation rate for Mississippi and a 34% rate for the entire nation.  This is NOT a good result; in fact it is pathetic!  Although I realize it is not April 1 yet, I would expect more people would take an interest in returning their 2010 Census forms.  With over $400-billion federal dollars at stake I urge everyone to be a responsible citizen and get those Census forms in now!  Even if the census does not count your dog or cat, at least it counts your kids!  And if you want what is best for yourself and your children, it is very, very important to complete and return your 2010 Census form!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

2010 Census emphasizes race, discounts religion, education, employment, professions and skips pets!

2010 Census emphasizes race, discounts religion, education, employment, professions and skips pets!

My 2010 Census form arrived in the mail today and is due April 1, 2010. I wish to encourage everyone to complete and return their forms on time as the data collected is used to determine the number of representatives each state has in the U.S. Congress as well as how much money each city, town and area may receive. So if you want our little town to get its piece of the pie, please get your 2010 Census form in on town.

I was a bit disappointed in the fact that the 2010 Census form did not ask very many questions. Basically the census only wanted to know of person number 1, the home owner/renter, how many people live in each home, apartment or mobile home, their name, telephone number, age, date of birth, sex, race, and if someone lives somewhere else part of the time. For each additional person their relationship to the home owner was asked. If more than 7 people live in one house it only wanted to know their names, sex, age, date of birth and if the person was related to person number 1.

The census did not ask about employment or the amount of money each person earned. I would have thought that in these tough economic times that would be an important question to ask. I guess because everyone who is employed is suppose to pay taxes, this information is available through the IRS.

Nor did the census ask about how many dogs or cats may live at a residence. Now I know the census by law counts people, but some people, like me, consider our pets family members. Nation-wide billions of dollars are spent by people on their pets so the number of pets living in people's homes is an important consideration. This needs to be counted that cities and town may also be properly funded when it comes to providing resourced for much needed animals shelters. But alas, the 2010 Census makes no count of people's dogs, cats or other pets.

It does want to qualify if you are of Hispanic origin, exactly what that means: if you are Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban or of another Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin. If you are not white, black, African Am., Negro, American Indian, or Alaska Native it wants to qualify if you are Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Samoan, Vietnamese, Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, other Asian, as Hmong, Laolian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, etc., or other Pacific Islander as Fijian, Tongan, etc.

The 2010 Census then is putting a lot of emphasis upon racial origins. In fact, that is about the only in depth analysis that the census is making. It does not ask a single question about religion. I would think it is important to know how many Christian, Jews, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims or people of other religious beliefs live in each area. Is this not asked because of separation of church and state? Yet is not it vital to know this fact, especially when we are engaged in a war in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Since the data collected by the 2010 Census is private and confidential, I think more questions should have been asked. I also think that in this day and age where jobs and education is so important that the census should have tallied each person's educational level, profession, and income. These are vital factors to know and map as demographics about education, employment and profession is vital to our economy. Knowing such factors would empower our nation to make a more swift economic recovery. Yet without this information we are left blind and have no census of the level of poverty or wealth from one town to another. Thus it will be more difficult to make intelligent choices and sensible judgments with respect to economic recovery issues.

In conclusion I was quite disappointed with the 2010 Census form. I wish those six pages had asked more questions about me and my pets so that the data might be used to help with economic recovery. I really don't care what race one is and think too much emphasis is being put on race. We are all AMERICANS, and perhaps would be better off if we stop looking at the color of one's skin or their national origins and focus more on issues like education, employment, level of income, and if people have health insurance. Yet the 2010 Census puts its focus on race, which is a decisive factor, rather than upon gathering information which could really be use to help all AMERICANS live better, more high quality lives!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Obama giant suppository cartoon is offensive, racist lie!

I like the Clarke County Tribune as it is a great source for local news. But I think the recent Obama suppository cartoon by William Warren of Liberty Features Syndicate on March 4, 2010, was not funny at all! Rather, it was ludicrous, crude, in very bad taste, if not down right obscene to insult the President of the United States with such a bad tasting editorial cartoon.

Just because something is presented in the form of an editorial cartoon does not mean it meets the higher standard to which a community newspaper should aspire. Quite frankly I thought this particular cartoon was racist, a flagrant lie, if not down right pornographic in its depiction of the President of the United States holding a giant suppository labeled as "Same old Obama-care $1-Trillon."

Why does the Clarke County Tribune keep publishing such filth and lies with regard to health care reform? Why is the Clarke County Tribune now stooping so low? What has the Clarke County Tribune to gain by publishing such racially offensive lies about the President of the United States? Is the Clarke County Tribune trying to light and burn a cross in people's minds, to resurrect the KKK on its editorial pages?

Indeed, the Clarke County Tribune has greatly insulted all black people with its publication of such racially motivated propaganda and filth! This is worse than using the "N" word! Quite frankly I think the good people of Quitman and Clarke County at large should rise up and call for the firing of the editor or anyone who would publish such insulting lies, trash, and racially motivated political propaganda masquerading as a cartoon.

You don't need to publish filth, obscenities, and racially motivated political porno editorial cartoons to sell newspapers -- do you? And even if you do, should not aspiring to a higher moral standard cause a good person to choose not to publish such trash in a family oriented newspaper? The publishing of a big grinning Obama with a giant suppository is NOT something Jesus would do!

The Clarke County Tribune has offended a good portion of the people who read and advertise in its newspaper. I would imagine the same holds true for other newspapers which published this same racist William Warren cartoon. Obviously this person has a problem with black people and with the President of the United States, who happens to be a black person. I think an apology is in order!

Do I think the Clarke County Tribune will have the decency, integrity and good character to offer a much deserved and warranted apology? No I don't. Usually people who commit such racially motivated offenses lack the courage to admit their mistakes, will try to convince everyone else they did nothing wrong, or will grit their teeth in anger and rage for being called out and caught at a lie, and go right on slinging dung, laughing at their lark, and calling it "politically right," failing to see the evil, the injustice, or the wrong of their ways.

Fight Back! Stop the anti-American, racist Republican propaganda machine!

Buy these gifts and apparel and help fight back! Stop the anti-American, racist Republican propaganda machine. Call for no racist anti-Obama jokes or cartoons!

Please help stop the anti-American, racist Republican propaganda machine. Buy these gifts and apparel and help raise awareness to stop the lies and racist propaganda being spread by the anti-Obama Republican propaganda machine!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

How to save America from the great recession

How can we as a nation fix the economy when so many high tech companies are using the labor force of third world nations like China, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, the Czech Republic, and the Philippines? It simply is not possible to compete with the labor in these countries, many of which are over populated, pay slave labor wages or even employ children to manufacture such popular, big selling items as iPods and Apple computers!

To fix the economy and fix it for good, we need to institute laws to protect labor in America. However this is done it needs to also protect industry so that we do not become dependent upon nations like communist Red China, which now owns so much of our debt that our rights and liberty are in jeopardy.

A good example of how foreign nations effect the very lives and liberty of Americans may be seen in what has happened with home ownership. Literally millions of Americans have lost their homes to banks and lending institutions owned by foreign investors or companies.

What happens is that foreign investors and off shore companies not governed by the same laws as American citizens, create companies and do business in America, that they make enormous profits, yet do not have to obey the same laws as those they are doing business with, the American people. This is a type of fraud and it works because these foreign owned companies make up alias names like AmeriQuest, to easily gain trust and acceptance. Indeed, a name like AmeriQuest sounds good, very patriotic. Hence this enables the seduction of good, law abiding citizens. These foreign owned companies with English language names, then screw people out of their homes. First they under value the property, acquire a mortgages at high rates of interest from someone who can not likely repay the mortgage such the there is a defaulted upon the mortgage, enabling the acquisition of property for much less than real value of the property. Then these alias name companies turn around or flip the property and make a small fortune. As soon as the scam is revealed, they go out of business and sell off all the mortgages to another foreign company to escape liability. In fact, this is pretty much what AmeriQuest did, causing many Americans to lose their homes.

This is only one example of the type of fraud and theft of property being committed by foreign companies upon Americans. What is even more terrible about this whole process which feeds recession is that we bailed out many of these unscrupulous financial institution, with tons of tax payer dollars going to foreign owned companies like Deutsches Bank.

What is Deutsches Bank? This is the same bank that funded the building of the concentration camp at Auschwitz, a fact that was not made public until 1999! According to a factual account:

"After Adolf Hitler came to power, instituting the Third Reich, Deutsche Bank dismissed its three Jewish board members in 1933. In subsequent years Deutsche Bank took part in the aryanization of Jewish-owned businesses: according to its own historians, the bank was involved in 363 such confiscations by November 1938.[15] During the war, Deutsche Bank incorporated other banks that fell into German hands during the occupation of Eastern Europe. Deutsche provided banking facilities for the Gestapo and loaned the funds used to build the Auschwitz camp and the nearby IG Farben facilities. Deutsche Bank revealed its involvement in Auschwitz in February 1999." (See Deutsche Bank)

Here we are in 2010 doing business with foreign banks that systematically are financially raping and robbing American citizens, stealing their homes and property to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, perhaps even billions of dollars! Then we are propping up these foreign banks with American tax payer dollars!

What in God's name is going on! This is utterly unconscious-able, yet, banks and financial institutions in foreign nations, which may have traditions based on fascism, communism, or even Islamic fundamentalism, are not accountable because they are headquartered in foreign nations.

To fix America and restore jobs and rebuild the economy we need to begin at the ground up. First we need to change trademark laws such that foreign owned companies can no longer buy up English language words and phrases to create alias names that people will trust in buying products or services from companies that are foreign owned and based abroad.

Second, we need to provide corporations with such great incentives that they will build and operate factories in the United States, instead of locating them in third world nations. This might involve new Price Jacking laws that will jack up the price on products made abroad such that it becomes more economical to base factories in the United States and employ American citizens, instead of abandoning the American people by basing industry abroad and then screwing Americans by producing products for a few cents upon the dollar and importing them back into America and selling them for a small fortune!

In other words, we must make both state and national laws which make it more profitable to build factories in the United States and use American labor, than to locate off shore. Once this is done it will boost the American job market and because of the laws of supply and demand, we will have more money to buy more product and may keep the cycle of production and consumption going ad infinitum.

To build and maintain a strong economy and remain a free people, we must stop letting other foreign nations seduce, rape and financially rob Americans. It is really that simple. We can recover from the great recession and build a great state and nation for our children and their children, but to do so we need to stop letting others countries like communist Red China and powerful financial formerly fascist institutions like Deutsche Bank bully and exploit us.

Money and greed for more and more money easily corrupts people. It is this greed and corruption associated with the greed that ultimately is working to destroy our great nation. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and homes. Millions more Americans are without health insurance or quality health care. We are rapidly becoming a third world nations at the hands of others foreign enterprises and investors motivated by pure greed. The only way to stop the process and recover from the great recession is to end the financial rape, molestation, and robbery through new laws which will protect the American people!

The truth of what I say is clearly visible in the hurt and harm that has been done to millions upon millions of Americans by foreign interests. In earlier times this would have been cause for war! Yet the process of greed and corruption master minded by foreign interests and off shore parties has cause such decay and destruction, that we no longer are united as a people against such foreign influence. We often do not ever realize that our neighbors are hurting because of what was done to them by corrupt foreign banks and investors. Plus we often find ourselves participating in the process through buying goods made in a host of third world nations, believing that there is no alternative.

I personally will not believe that America is doomed to destruction at the hands of corrupt foreign influences any more than I will believe that we are doomed by threats from such terrorists as al-Qaida. Rather, I believe that we can fight back with new laws to save our great nation. Plus, we should institute laws that will stop such actions as home foreclosures when mortgages are owned by foreign banks and even go so far as to return homes lost by American families to foreign banks or financial institutions.

In other words, we should rectify the injustice that has been done and give back to Americans the property which was taken from them by corrupt foreign banks and megalithic foreign investment firms. This should be done by law retroactive to 9/11, the day our great nation was attacked by terrorist from abroad. For you see, it was not by accident that these terrorist attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center; it was by design, knowing that to do this would have a wave of consequences which has rippled around the world, like the after shock waves caused by a great earthquake or tsunami, ultimately hurting and harming many Americans and other free people globally.

Sometimes there are wars that you cannot fight and win with bullets and bombs. We now are engaged in such a war. The time has come when we must fight back and engage the enemy. But this is a war that can only be won with words, with that most powerful of weapons that is more mighty than the sword. It is thus that new laws must be ascribed to protect American workers from foreign influences, to restore the homes, property and what has been lost to foreign investors, to give back what belongs to America to Americans! Then, after a great reclamation, to insure through law that these United States of America never allows itself to be raped, robbed and financially exploited by corrupt foreign influences again!