Support the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment
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Who will be your guardian/conservator?
Please support an amendment to the US Constitution and to all state constitutions which says the following:
Please write your state and US congressional representatives and ask them to support the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment and to introduce legislation to adopt the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment.
Many states now permit nonrelative judges to make appointment of guardian and conservator in the event one becomes incapacitated. This allows the courts to decide this issue instead of individuals and citizens at a time when those who are having their fate determined by the court are not in a position to challenge the court's action, resulting in extreme opportunity to exploit the elderly. This is exactly what happened to La Faye S. Lynch and which is happening to thousands of elderly Americans.
The best way to change the way this form of corruption and exploitation of the elderly is to change the law and to make it the law of the land that each person may designate their own guardian and conservator. The present system of allowing judges to be the final denominator in designating a guardian/conservator promotes corruption such that judges, lawyers and even care providers will act so as to exploit the elderly for their own selfish purposes and gain. This is a travesty of justice which makes all elderly potential slave to the broken elderly care system.
I urge everyone to contact their state and US Congressional representatives and begin the push for a constitutional amendment such that the right of each person to designate, specify and appoint their own guardian/conservator and to make this assignment for their dependents may not be abridged.
We must each act now through petitioning our representatives as when we are old it will be too late for us to get the laws changed. Please Support the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment that the all Americans will be free to determine their own fate, even when the become incapacitated.
After what happened to my dear mother, La Faye S. Lynch, I became aware of how corrupt the elder care system in Alabama was. In talking to others I have learned that this is a problem nation wide, that the elder care system is broken and corrupt across America, in large part due to the fact that people do not have the right to appoint their own guardian/conservator or make this designation for their dependents.
Please help me rectify this situation. I have started the ERA (Elder Rights Association) and am working to make people everywhere aware of the fact that the elder care system is broken and corrupt; that we need to change the law of the land that the rights of people cannot be abridge simply because they grow old.
Everyone who wishes to help is encouraged to make a donation. Please help as this will give me the financial means to make people aware and to work for reformation of the presently corrupt and broken elder care system.
If we stand silently by making excuses nothing will even change and the power that be will continue to abuse and exploit the elderly just as classroom bullies beat and batter children who are smaller than them. All powerful judges, lawyers and greedy care providers who have no hearts nor love, are largely motivated by money and seek only to line their own pockets via robbing the estates of the elderly. Because the elderly often cannot speak for themselves the corruption in the system goes unchallenged. The result is elderly who are warehoused, confined in tiny concrete cubicles, noisy cells, the dying packed together with the dying, locked behind electric doors under 24 hour watch by security guards to prevent their escape.
The glutton who are lining their pockets with the fortune and wealth of families have no compassion nor will to right this wrong for it is making them filthy wealthy! This includes lawyers, judges and care providers who are milking the elderly for every last cent they can get. They even sue those most devoted family members trying to help their elderly parents and grandparents, destroying families in the process. It is justice gone nuts and, ironically those who do the injustice turn around and try to convince everyone else that somehow those who love their elderly parents and grandparents are nuts for wanting to help them!
This is essentially what happened to me when I stood up for my own elderly mother's rights and fought the system. Efforts were made to defame and discredit me with lies, deception, false claims and charges. The result, however, was that learned just how corrupt and broken the system is and am determined to see those who have hurt and harmed me, my dear mother and other elderly shall not be permitted to continue their bullying and battering, will be dethroned and themselves admonished for their evil deeds and crimes.
I am quite aware that to change the system one needs the means. Money is power and without this it is difficult to change the system. Therefore I urge everyone who is aware of the corruption in the elder care system to help me by making a donation. Give however much you can and I will champion the cause for the rights of all elderly Americas, that one day all forms of corruption may be vanished and vanquished from those charged with caring for our elderly parents and grandparents.
If you cannot help by making a contribution then volunteer to promote the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment. Volunteers are needed in all states. Also everyone is urged to write your state and local representative to support the ER (Elder Rights) Amendment to the constitution of both your respective state and the United States. Only if this is done will power and control be taken away from judges and be given back to the people where it belongs.
Thank you for your help and God bless America!
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