Make Holy War. Ayman al-Zawahri, al-Qaeda second in command, calls for Holy War against USA and Israel.
What do you think of this? Today's headlines (26 July, 2006) read that oil profits were up and that a call for a wider Holy War has been issued by al-Quadae's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahri. So here we are with the fanatical terrorists from oil rich nations calling for Holy War while we all are paying higher prices for gas at the pump! On the same day this ding bat calls for a Holy War against the US and Israel Exxon Mobil announces a whopping $10.36 billion second quarter earnings! What's going on here? What is the connection between a Holy War and higher gas prices?
I don't know about you but I smell a rat! How can the oil companies justify such high prices for gas and be making billions upon billions of dollars in earnings hurting everyone who has to pay these high prices while we are all being targeted for destructions by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists? Those setting the price of oil are putting power and control in the hands of the filthy rich brokers of war and terrorism!
The US needs to get tough on the oil companies as well as upon nations like Iran who are sponsoring Islamic fundamentalist terrorists and let them know that we refuse to be black mailed. Every American, in fact the whole world, is being held hostage by the oil rich nations who are using the price of oil to support their anti-American regimes and extort money from the global community, money which often ends up supporting terrorist groups or hostile governments which in turn results in loss of American lives when we send young men and women over seas to fight terrorism.
Moreover, a sane approach needs to be adopted by all peace loving peoples that prices not be let to go through the roof. It is easy to say that the market is like a wild animal out of control without a master. But the fact is we are the masters of our own fate and least we control the market it will turn on us, bite everyone in the ass and destroy us all.
Those who can afford higher gas prices may only experience a small discomfort, but for the vast majority of the world's population, higher oil and gas prices mean they sink deeper into the pits of desperation. Part of the problem is that America is not joining in the battle to wage a counter Holy War against Islamic fundamentalism, to advocate the abolition of this fanatical religion all together.
I say that those Islamic fundamentalist who advocate martyrdom in the name of Allah are satanic in nature, utterly evil and helplessly insane! All who believe and preach such crap as spouts from the mouth of Ayman al-Zawahri and Osama bin Laden need to be silenced! This may require drastic measures, certainly weeding them out and bringing them to justice, not before Islamic courts which are a travesty of justice, but simply put under the gun and blown away!
Such measures are needed to stop future acts or terrorism against the United States and our allies and ultimately save American lives. But this is not all we need to do. We need to implement educational campaign in all Islamic nations to teach democracy and tolerance for all religions, especially Jewdeo-Christian religions. Presently in some nations, like Afghanistan, if you convert from a Muslim to Christianity you are regarded as insane. In fact the exact opposite is true. The fanatic who hold this belief are the ones who are mad!
You may not agree with me. Plenty of people go through their whole lives letting others beat, bully and batter them. But I am not one of those. I learned a long time ago that the way to stop a bully is to fight back, and if words and logic will not stop the bully you have to use your fists or whatever other weapons and methods of defense is required. Therefore I do not turn the other cheek if someone assaults me; rather, I fight back with whatever means is at my disposal.
This same approach needs to be applied to dealing with Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. This is NOT a Republican vs. Democrat issue. This is a life or death issue, a matter of survival. Either we join together regardless of our political party associations and destroy Islamic fundamentalism, its advocates, preacher and distributors, its growing armies of terrorists, or we suffer and die at their hand, at home or abroad.
We must remember that religious freedom is established by the United States Constitution for American citizens. In other nations such as Iran and Syria there is no such thing as religious freedom. If you are a Jew or a Christian you are regarded as the enemy by Islamic fundamentalist. In fact, Ayman al-Zawahri and other Islamic fundamentalists teach that America is the "Great Satan" and Israel must be destroyed!
Iran is currently engaged in effort to build a nuclear bomb so that it may provide this ultimate weapon of mass destruction to terrorists, that they may destroy Israel. The missiles being fired into Israel today may soon turn into Scuds provided by North Korea via Iran to terrorist in Syria or Lebanon. We cannot allow this to happen so we must act through whatever preemptive show of force is necessary to prevent this from ever becoming even a remote possibility.
The United States and Israel are the ones being targeted by Islamic fundamentalists as they know that we are the ones who recognize them for what they are, pure evil. If we let the archaic evil forces of brain washed Islamic fundamentalists continue to spread their sick ideology around the world unchallenged, then it will only lead to wider war and unending international conflict -- and ultimately to a nuclear confrontation between Israel and its enemies, those terrorism sponsoring states like Iran and Syria.
I suggest that we send a clear warning to Iran, Syria and other terrorist sponsoring nations to cease and desist from their sponsorship of terrorism, that this be done by exploding a nuclear weapon in the Persian Gulf or Caspian Sea north of Tehran at night, as a test and a warming, such that all can see we mean business. This should be accompanied by a warning that if Iran and Syria do not cease and desist from further sponsorship or terrorism and halt all efforts to enrich uranium and obtain the materials required to produce a nuclear weapon, that we will provide them with one on site and in country!
No doubt this policy of carrying a big stick and shacking it in the face of Iran and Syria may result in an out cry from other nations, but these other nations are not the ones being targeted by Ayman al-Zawahri for destruction via calling for a Holy War. America and Israel are the ones being targeted so we must act with a show of force to motivate our enemies to stop their threats, to round up terrorist themselves and alter their ways if they want to survive.
It would be nice if diplomacy would work, but unfortunately terrorists understand only one thing, that which they preach. Instead of wasting thousands of American lives fighting and dying in the great sand boxes of Iraq and Afghanistan, a simple display of nuclear force would go a long way to encouraging our enemies to listen to reason. It worked with Imperial Japanese in 1945 and would probably work again with the Moslem fundamentalist nations. In fact if we let them know that we will turn Mecca into a nuclear radiation graveyard that cannot be safely visited for 100,000 years, I'm sure the leaders of the Arab world will start taking America seriously and step up their own efforts to rid their nations of terrorists, despots and radicals who are leading them down the road toward their own doom and destruction.
Certainly this form of saber rattling will get Ayman al-Zawahri's attention. It may even stop this towel headed nut case from spouting his Holy War crap. On second thought it probably won't. Ayman al-Zawahri has been brainwashed to such an extent that the only thing which will shut him up is a new ass hole in this turban!
Now please don't misunderstand me. I have nothing against the vast majority of Arab people. It is only the terrorist and those who support terrorism that I admonish. Using greater and over whelming military force to destroy an enemy is a basic principle of warfare. Military force is used to preserve one's own life and advance ones own cause. As Ayman al-Zawahri is calling for a Holy War against the United States and Israel, I am merely suggesting that we make it quite clear we will use over whelming military force to destroy any and all who dare threaten the United States of America, and that this over whelming force will include demonstrating our thermonuclear weapons capabilities.
When one sees a great fireworks display they soon learn to respect explosives. This is why the military has long used exhibit and display of its weapons system in action. By learning our capability the enemy learns to respect our rights. This same strategy has been used by other nuclear powers including Russia and China and most recently, India and Pakistan. I suggest we use a display of our nuclear capability with the explosion of an announced nuclear test in the Persian Gulf or Caspian Sea to send a clear warning to Iran and Syria that they better deal with their terrorist themselves and with their terrorist sponsoring regimes before we deal with them ourselves!
This is a radicle approach and represens perhaps a new form of diplomacy. Certainly it violates above ground test ban treaties, though certainly this could be done as an explosion under water. I would be curious to know what others think? Would this be going too far? Would exploding a nuclear device in the Persian Gulf or Caspian Sea serve only to unite the Arab world against Israel and the Unites States? Would it be better to explode a bomb in the Dasht-E Kavir region southeast of Tehran? Or should we just make a preemptive strike and destroy Iran's nuclear plants? Or maybe you think we should we wait until Iran develops a nuclear bomb and gives it to terrorist to blow up Tel-Aviv, New York City or Washington, D.C. before we respond? What do you think?