Stop 911 Denial of Service Scams
Synopsis: This article explains why I felt that I (my computer system) was virtually raped by investigators with the Mississippi State Attorney General’s office. They were duped by McDonald’s restaurant which used a 911 Denial of Service scam and made false accusations against me. This resulted in my personal and private HP laptop being probed and scanned in a public place which I frequent. This was the most humiliating experience of my life! McD’s was trying to get out of a claim I might make involving scalding hot coffee they spilled on me. Since they knew they could not win on the facts, they preceded to try to destroy my good character and life.
Imagine you are using your public library, a place you frequent and are well known, when two gentlemen suddenly appear, one who was wearing a black t-shirts with a badge, both and armed with semi-automatic pistols strapped to their sides.
These two gentlemen are very polite. They ask to speak with you, lead you into a private room with security cameras, and then proceed to conduct an investigation. They tell you that they are with the Attorney General’s office detached to fight cyber crimes and that McDonald’s has made an accusation against you.
It is an alarming, distressing, humiliating, and embarrassing situation which caused extreme duress, especially if you are a Senior Citizen on medication you need to stay alive and one of the side effects is difficulty breathing when faced with two armed law enforcement officers intent upon violating your right to privacy without a warrant.
Indeed, this is a very distressful situation, one which would put anyone under duress. They ask you to sign a legal document without having an attorney present. You convey this is being done under duress, and the investigator refutes your claim and goes to get a dictionary.
He comes back and reads you the definition of duress which is “1, restraint of personal liberty; imprisonment; 2. coercion”. (Source: The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, Forth Edition.)
He says you are not under duress, but you know how you feel, like suddenly you are going to be raped. And you also know this is not the legal definition of duress, and that his antics are an attempt to manipulate and coerce you in to giving consent you do not want to give, just as if some brutes in a pubic park forced them self on you, ripped off your cloths, beat and gang raped you, leaving you for dead.
This is what happened to me recently. I was under duress and my system was cyber raped. I explained that I was not an attorney and was not going to argue the matter, that I was not going say I was “voluntarily” submitting to a search. The only reason I permitted this invasion of my privacy was because I did not want the officer or any other law enforcement officers showing up and arresting me.
Now I’m not an attorney but I write profusely, and one of the books on my shelf is the Law Dictionary by Steven H. Gifis. If you look up the legal definition of 'duress’ I think many attorneys will agree, I was definitely being put under duress and being compelled to relinquish my legal and property rights.
The fact is that when two armed investigators who are law enforcement officers appear to arrest you at your public library, this is under duress. I would also say it constitutes an infringement of one’s rights to personal privacy and indeed is an assault upon one’s liberty, as I am a photojournalist and what they wanted to investigate was my smartphone, my laptop, and to have me sign away my legal rights for them to come to my home to make a search and censure without a warrant.
Now I am NOT going to tell you what treasures the State of Mississippi was looking for, but I was not about to sign away any of my legal rights. In fact, I showed them my press pass which I was wearing and told them they are talking to a reporter. I said I wanted to go ahead and clear up the issue, that I had nothing to hide. I was quite emphatic. I told them to go ahead, I wanted to prove to them that the accusations being made against me were false, without merit whatsoever.
So they inserted their hard molded plastic flash drive into my HP laptop and started probing my system using OS Treage software. This is a program that scans your system and brings up all your photographs for investigators to view. Whatever is on your system these investigators can find it. They are very good at what they do. I knew there was nothing illegal on my system and wanted to prove it. So they cyber raped my system and found nothing illegal.
But they saw the internal working of my digital studio, pried into how I create my digital art and designs. They satisfied themselves browsing with delight through my world of flora and fauna designs and those bikini babe, drop dead gorgeous girls who grace my digital studio and serve as a Cyber Muse to inspire creation. They probably did not recognize any of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition models, not the Victoria Secret models. I doubt they even knew that some of the super model pics were of our First Lady, Melania Trump. She started modeling professional when she was sixteen years old. But they certainly got an eye full.
The investigator said that most his time is spent watching the bar scoot across the screen. He added that, “You sure do have a lot of photographs.” I explained to him that I took photographs of everything, that I have been taking photographs since I was seven years old when my father, a U.S. Army officer, gave me a Kodac box camera. I explained that I take photographs of flora, fauna, and landscapes, given you do not have to get a model release.
It took more than two hours to complete the investigation. I do indeed have a great profusion of photographs. I hope the State of Mississippi enjoyed the exhibit. If anyone else is interested is seeing what type of photographs I am always taking around my small town, please go to my Facebook page at
Also I put my digital photographs on gifts and apparel which I market on-line through CafePress. You may see much of my work at these on-line shops:
1. TopPics
2. Made in USA
3. LynchPhotos
4. Byteland Art
5. MuttPics
6. HotTees
I am also working on an exhibit entitled God’s Work which features flora and fauna. One of the photographs included, which the investigator could not identify, is shown below; it is the fruit of a Magnolia Tree.
Neither did the investigator know what a Spiderwort is. I explained that a Spiderwort is one of the most beautiful wildflowers which grows in the area. Also Spiderworts are a biological indicator and can alert one of environmental pollutants. They are very sensitive to mutagens which may cause cancer. This includes both toxic chemical agents and radiation. The flower of a Spiderwort is usually blue but will turn violet in the presence of some hazardous chemical agents.
After having to go through this embarrassing and humiliating experience, I was quite distressed. I have NEVER be exposed to such humiliation in my life. To have my HD scanned in a public place knowing that the whole affair was being recorded on the library’s spy cams was like being undressed in public; indeed, I felt like I was raped!
I am an artist and a poet. My soul comes out and is expressed in all I do. I strive to 'Be Best’ at all I do. I am the child grown and aged to maturity that Melania Trump is campaigning so eloquently for that we all embrace. Indeed, I was researching Melania’s 'Be Best’ campaign when the officers arrived at the library to investigate me.
This is an extreme invasion of privacy that was done in a public library. It was quite an embarrassing and stressful experience. I told the librarian afterwards that I now know what a woman feels like when they are raped -- though no man can really know that for sure.
I explained to the investigators that as a photojournalist I take pictures of everything, that I let the mayor of our small town include an article I wrote about the WOW Factors of Quitman in the CSpire competition to get Fiber to the Home. Quitman won that competition to be the first town in Mississippi to get fiber optics super fast Internet, and my article was one of the reasons why.
Perhaps I will be publishing more of my photographs on-line so that everyone may see them. Much of my work is available to the general public in my CafePress shop at
Oh, I forgot to mention. The investigator was also interested in Virtual Models. He did not know what a virtual model was. Actually the investigator, pictured above in Fig. 1 would make a great virtual model.
Please help support my quest for justice. Send donations to:
© 2018 By Terry Lynch and The Pyrotechnic Pen
Imagine you are using your public library, a place you frequent and are well known, when two gentlemen suddenly appear, one who was wearing a black t-shirts with a badge, both and armed with semi-automatic pistols strapped to their sides.
These two gentlemen are very polite. They ask to speak with you, lead you into a private room with security cameras, and then proceed to conduct an investigation. They tell you that they are with the Attorney General’s office detached to fight cyber crimes and that McDonald’s has made an accusation against you.
It is an alarming, distressing, humiliating, and embarrassing situation which caused extreme duress, especially if you are a Senior Citizen on medication you need to stay alive and one of the side effects is difficulty breathing when faced with two armed law enforcement officers intent upon violating your right to privacy without a warrant.
Indeed, this is a very distressful situation, one which would put anyone under duress. They ask you to sign a legal document without having an attorney present. You convey this is being done under duress, and the investigator refutes your claim and goes to get a dictionary.
He comes back and reads you the definition of duress which is “1, restraint of personal liberty; imprisonment; 2. coercion”. (Source: The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, Forth Edition.)
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Fig. 2. Mobile Device Permission to Search |
He says you are not under duress, but you know how you feel, like suddenly you are going to be raped. And you also know this is not the legal definition of duress, and that his antics are an attempt to manipulate and coerce you in to giving consent you do not want to give, just as if some brutes in a pubic park forced them self on you, ripped off your cloths, beat and gang raped you, leaving you for dead.
This is what happened to me recently. I was under duress and my system was cyber raped. I explained that I was not an attorney and was not going to argue the matter, that I was not going say I was “voluntarily” submitting to a search. The only reason I permitted this invasion of my privacy was because I did not want the officer or any other law enforcement officers showing up and arresting me.
Now I’m not an attorney but I write profusely, and one of the books on my shelf is the Law Dictionary by Steven H. Gifis. If you look up the legal definition of 'duress’ I think many attorneys will agree, I was definitely being put under duress and being compelled to relinquish my legal and property rights.
The fact is that when two armed investigators who are law enforcement officers appear to arrest you at your public library, this is under duress. I would also say it constitutes an infringement of one’s rights to personal privacy and indeed is an assault upon one’s liberty, as I am a photojournalist and what they wanted to investigate was my smartphone, my laptop, and to have me sign away my legal rights for them to come to my home to make a search and censure without a warrant.
Now I am NOT going to tell you what treasures the State of Mississippi was looking for, but I was not about to sign away any of my legal rights. In fact, I showed them my press pass which I was wearing and told them they are talking to a reporter. I said I wanted to go ahead and clear up the issue, that I had nothing to hide. I was quite emphatic. I told them to go ahead, I wanted to prove to them that the accusations being made against me were false, without merit whatsoever.
So they inserted their hard molded plastic flash drive into my HP laptop and started probing my system using OS Treage software. This is a program that scans your system and brings up all your photographs for investigators to view. Whatever is on your system these investigators can find it. They are very good at what they do. I knew there was nothing illegal on my system and wanted to prove it. So they cyber raped my system and found nothing illegal.
But they saw the internal working of my digital studio, pried into how I create my digital art and designs. They satisfied themselves browsing with delight through my world of flora and fauna designs and those bikini babe, drop dead gorgeous girls who grace my digital studio and serve as a Cyber Muse to inspire creation. They probably did not recognize any of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition models, not the Victoria Secret models. I doubt they even knew that some of the super model pics were of our First Lady, Melania Trump. She started modeling professional when she was sixteen years old. But they certainly got an eye full.
The investigator said that most his time is spent watching the bar scoot across the screen. He added that, “You sure do have a lot of photographs.” I explained to him that I took photographs of everything, that I have been taking photographs since I was seven years old when my father, a U.S. Army officer, gave me a Kodac box camera. I explained that I take photographs of flora, fauna, and landscapes, given you do not have to get a model release.
It took more than two hours to complete the investigation. I do indeed have a great profusion of photographs. I hope the State of Mississippi enjoyed the exhibit. If anyone else is interested is seeing what type of photographs I am always taking around my small town, please go to my Facebook page at
Also I put my digital photographs on gifts and apparel which I market on-line through CafePress. You may see much of my work at these on-line shops:
1. TopPics
2. Made in USA
3. LynchPhotos
4. Byteland Art
5. MuttPics
6. HotTees
I am also working on an exhibit entitled God’s Work which features flora and fauna. One of the photographs included, which the investigator could not identify, is shown below; it is the fruit of a Magnolia Tree.
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Fig. 4. Fruit of the glorious Magnolia Tree. |
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Fig. 5. Twin Spiderwort wildflowers. Please help support my work as a photojournalist, naturalist, and advocate for Great Good Causes. You may send donations to: |
I am an artist and a poet. My soul comes out and is expressed in all I do. I strive to 'Be Best’ at all I do. I am the child grown and aged to maturity that Melania Trump is campaigning so eloquently for that we all embrace. Indeed, I was researching Melania’s 'Be Best’ campaign when the officers arrived at the library to investigate me.
This is an extreme invasion of privacy that was done in a public library. It was quite an embarrassing and stressful experience. I told the librarian afterwards that I now know what a woman feels like when they are raped -- though no man can really know that for sure.
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Fig. 6. First Lady, Melania, with Donald Trump who signed a proclamation on the White House lawn to launch the ‘Be Best’ campaign. Source: and American Digital. |
Perhaps I will be publishing more of my photographs on-line so that everyone may see them. Much of my work is available to the general public in my CafePress shop at
Oh, I forgot to mention. The investigator was also interested in Virtual Models. He did not know what a virtual model was. Actually the investigator, pictured above in Fig. 1 would make a great virtual model.
Please help support my quest for justice. Send donations to:
© 2018 By Terry Lynch and The Pyrotechnic Pen