The Pyrotechnic Pen

Provocative, insightful advocate for children, the elderly, animals, the environment and all who cannot speak for themselves; a must read for conservatives and liberals alike!

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Location: United States

Enjoy throwing kisses to the world, hugging trees, petting my dog, cuddling up with a good book to read, loving all of God's creatures great and small, writing poetry, the romance of fireflies dancing in the fields and forests, hiking, camping, fishing, sailing, scuba diving, waterfalls, the ocean, and the company of good people who are working to make the world a better place for the children of the future.

Friday, April 30, 2010

State should sue BP for damages!

The April 20 BP oil spill which is gushing 210,000 gallons per day of oil into the Gulf of Mexico is likely to be an ecological disaster which may effect wetlands, fragile ecosystems, and cost shrimpers, oyster harvesters, crabbers and all the commercial fishermen billions of dollars! This represents a catastrophe which may turn into the worst oil spill in US history if it cannot be stopped. The fragile gulf state coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and perhaps even Texas may all be impacted over time and the destruction to birds and other wildlife could be catastrophic!

Fortunately President Obama has taken swift action to halt all new offshore drilling until an investigation can be made to determine the cause and impact of this tragedy which killed 11 people when the oil rig caught fire and exploded resulting in a huge fire that was fought for two days before the oil rig sunk into 5,000 deep waters and left crude oil gushing into the pristine waters from at least three leaks. Efforts by BP have thus far been unable to halt the leaks and as of this writing crude oil continues to gush like an underwater geyser into the gulf.

This is a clear example of why it is vital to our national security to have a presidency which is empowered to take emergency action to protect the health and welfare of all Americans on a moments notice. Although this terrible oil spill appears to be an industrial accident, it shows what can happen and why we need a strong presidency. Hopefully the cause of this "accident" will be found to be exactly that, just an accident, and not the result of someone deliberately exploding an IED upon the oil rig.

We must be ever mindful of the fact that there are terrorist who spend their ever waking hour plotting and scheming at ways to attack America. If you have ever strolled the beaches of the Gulf coast there are points from which you can look out and see the huge oil rig upon the distant horizon. You can sometimes also see large ships which service the oil rigs. Each and everyone of these oil rigs and vessels represents a potential target and I would not be at all surprised to learn that there are terrorist plots to attack offshore oil rigs, even if the April 20 disaster is found to be an accident.

Fortunately we have a strong Coast Guard to secure our shores, yet in this age of terrorism it may not be enough. Every day (or night) there are those who seek to smuggle drugs into our country or illegal aliens. That is why in places like El Paso, Texas, they have tried to build a wall to stop illegal aliens and drug smugglers. But the coast line represents a open door where we are vulnerable to attack. Nothing demonstrates this better than the April 20 explosion which destroyed the BP oil rig and is now causing a 600 mile wide oil spill that is a potential ecological disaster!

This is very likely going to effect the people of the great states of Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and Texas. It is horrifying to imagine the impact this may have upon the Gulf coast. I've strolled along the white beach sands at Gulfport and Biloxi and done some deep sea fishing. As a naturalist and photographer I've enjoyed searching for sea shells, watching birds and photographing the scenic dunes from Texas to Florida. To imagine they will soon be blacked by waves coming ashore with slurry black ooze just send chills through me!

But can I file a claim against BP because their black ooze may effect my livelihood as a naturalist and photographer? What about all the other people who will be hurt and harmed by this oil spill? I urge that the people of Mississippi file a class action suit against BP, that we sue for the maximum amount we can get! This is going to hurt each and everyone of us who loves the Gulf, who loves the beaches, and who loves fishing and other recreation along the Gulf coast. It is going to hurt the general public, not just those who have a commercial interest in the Gulf, but everyone!

I therefore ask everyone to urge the State of Mississippi to sue BP and seek to collect for damages that this black ooze causes. I personally want $1-million dollars for every bird this black ooze may kill. But will Mississippi get any compensation from BP? Remember BP stands for British Petroleum; this is a foreign company. Why should they be permitted to kill one bird, to harm one feather on a single fowl? Why should BP be permitted to get away with killing and destroying a single fish, crustacean or fowl?

Is it crazy to hope that the State of Mississippi will sue BP in the name of the people and ask $1-million dollars for every bird killed by their black ooze? Maybe, but maybe not. Certainly if this oil spill cannot be stopped and results in a worse case scenario and develops into the worst oil spill in US history, then the people of Mississippi and every other state effected deserve to be compensated to the maximum amount that the law allows. Is $1-million dollars to much to ask for every bird destroyed? How much would you ask for if it were up to you? How much is every one of God's creatures, great and small, worth to you?

I personally do not believe you can put a value on human or animal life like this. But unless BP is made to pay a premium price for whatever damage they have caused and are responsible for, they will continue drill for oil without taking the necessary precautions to plan for a disaster, be it natural, accidental or caused by terrorist. The fact that such a disaster was not adequately planned for is indicated by the nature of the disaster and its consequences. Automatic deep sea cutoff valves should have been developed long ago and installed on all deep oil drilling rigs such that it would be almost impossible for an accidental gushing of 210,000 gallons of oil per day to occur should an oil rig explode and sink! Why in God's name was not this done BEFORE this happened?

The state should sue BP for damages and disburse the money to all the people! Imagine how much billions of dollars could help the people of our great state. Even if this was an accident and not caused by terrorists, still BP did not develop, install and implement technology to prevent such a disaster. Therefore the people have been hurt and harmed by BP and should demand just compensation -- even if the only way this impacts you is that you come across a dead bird covered with black ooze while walking along the shore with your child.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Unite against our real enemies

Unite against our real enemies!

It is disappointing that some newspaper publishers do not set a higher standard for themselves by doing a little researching before opening their mouths and making very insulting, derogatory and down right false statements about the military and our Commander in Chief, President Obama.

The United States is blessed to have a strong military force which provides a very good life for the many members of the Armed Forces and their families. I was lucky to have been an Army brat, to grow up getting to see some of this world and live in many different places. One thing I learned when my family was stationed overseas is that Americans are often viewed with disdain. Hence when I read an editorial or article where someone compares President Obama to the dictator, Adolf Hitler, I wonder where they got such a crazy idea?

It is also disturbing that anyone publishing a newspaper, even in a small town, does not know about the Ready Reserve Corps, which was established some 66 years ago, that our nation might be prepared for national disasters, including nuclear war. My father was very much involved in training the Ready Reserve Corps, so it is rather insulting to learn that someone would think this is a "private army" established through the health care bill to round up Christians, Catholics, Jews and 'Tea Party' members.

Such false statements demonstrate the degree of ignorance some people have, not knowing how the military functions or what is involved in keeping our great nation secure. You would think anyone would realize that it is vital to have a Ready Reserve Corps in these times where our national security is threatened by everything from pandemics and natural disasters to terrorist endeavoring to destroy America. This is not fantasy, but reality, and I would have thought after 9/11 everyone would clearly see that there are those who want to destroy us. The treat of terrorist obtaining a weapon of mass destruction, be it a nuclear device, chemical or biological weapon, is a real and present danger. Hence when making health care reform it is prudent, wise and very practical to insure that the President and the Surgeon General have the command authority of the Ready Reserve Corps to implement emergency measures in the event of a national emergency -- and what constitutes a greater national emergency than an attack upon our nation by terrorists!

Ultra right wing, fanatical shock jocks seems to be loosing their heads over almost every thing that President Obama does. This leads me to believe that some among their legions are racist, especially when I learn that many programs now being promoted by Democrats were original ideas of Republicans. Isn't it strange how hatred works. You may have a very good idea, then if someone you don't like who is black gets that same idea, you then denounce them and try to assassinate their character. And to try to make everyone believe you, you say you are not a racist, while beating up and bullying on the black man with words or clubs.

A fellow once told me that he was not a racist because as a child he had a black nanny. Then he later said how President Obama was like Adolf Hitler, who is without a doubt one of the most evil figures in history that you can compare someone to! Now what do you think, is someone a racist if they make such an unfounded and utterly untrue comparison? Then this same person said they were a Christian, as if that would lend truth to their statements or opinions about President Obama.

Time tells on a man, especially when he has hatred in his heart or darkness in his soul and opens his mouth without thinking about what he is saying. There are a lot of people saying bad things about President Obama. Some are even making wild cartoons to assassinate his good character. Others think this is all very funny. But you need to remember, President Obama is our president and was elected by the majority of the people. Give the guy some respect and stop spreading hateful lies just because you don't like his politics.

True, we have a two party system and there are those who would like to have a 'Tea Partry.' But I question their sense because the original Boston Tea Party was sparked by taxation without representation and in these United States of America we have a representative government and balance of power with Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government. Therefore those who dream up wild claims about how they are not represented and want to form their own militias, their own little armies and rebel, are nothing but anarchists!

I personally think that this is NOT the time to be dividing our country with party politics. We are fighting two wars and if Iran gets nuclear weapons we may be fighting a far wider war. This is a time when all Americans should be coming together united against our common enemies; we should not be listening to divisive voices and fighting among ourselves. How soon do people forget. On 9/11 terrorists attacked our nation and they have been planning attacks ever since.
Al-Qaida has gone underground, regrouped and fanned out; they are secretly making plans to attack America and are being aided by Iran. This has been clear for a long time, given the deployment of high tech IEDs that are designed and engineered using components from Iran. Given the efforts being made by Iran to develop nuclear technology, it will not be long until they obtain the means to make an atomic bomb. Having aided terrorist in the past, we would be fools to not think they would continue to do so in the future, with weapons of mass destruction.

If anyone wants to be making comparisons of Adolf Hitler to world leaders, they should compare Hitler to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Here is a fanatical Islamic fundamentalist who has denied the Nazi Holocaust of European Jewry as a "myth". He basically stole the last election from the people and is now a dictator who is bent on developing an atomic bomb. A nuclear armed Iran under Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a potential nightmare for world peace. And I'm not a racist for thinking this, I'm a patriotic American!

All civilized, peace loving nations should unite against Iran, impose strict sanctions, and ban together to prevent Iran from obtaining an atomic bomb. And instead of bashing President Obama, we should all come together and support the President and urge that we stand fast against our real enemies, those who wish to destroy us for our freedom, our, country and our God!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Anti-Obamamaniac seeks to assassinate President Obama's good character with words

Anti-Obamamaniac seeks to assassinate President Obama's good character with words

I live in a small, rural town in the deep south. People around here are very friendly, have good hearts, loving natures, strong Christian values, and are generally among some of the finest and most wonderful people you will ever meet. However, it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the barrel, so when I pick up the local newspaper and read an editorial comparing the President of the United States, Barack Obama, to Adolf Hitler, I'm shocked! How can anyone be so ignorant or hateful to make such an vial, utterly false, and defamatory statement?

I am aware of the fact that there are hate groups in America and also that there are individuals who have darkness in their souls. I am also aware that some people just do not like the fact that now we have a black man as President and Commander and Chief. But I still find it hard to grasp the fact that some people are so full of hatred, ignorance and pure ill will that they would attempt to assassinate the President of the United States with false associations and dark hearted dreams, sinister fantasies, and tales of doom they conger up in the vial caverns of their soul.

This particular dark hearted dream attempted to assassinate President Obama's good character by suggesting that health care reform legislation passed by the US Congress and signed into law creates a private army that President Obama might use to round up Christians, Catholics, Jews, and 'Tea Party' members, that President Obama would use health care reform in the same way Adolf Hitler used his ill begotten powers to commit genocide. How anyone could come to such a fanciful conclusion or make such a wild association can only be explained if they are delusional, suffering from some mental derangement, or perhaps have been brainwashed by anti-Obama shock jocks! Or maybe they are a shock jock want-a-be themselves.

Whatever the nature of the mental derangement, darkened soul, or misguided delusions which would cause a person to come up with such a vial and hateful scheme to assassinate the character of the President of the United States using words, this cannot and should not be ignored as just "poppy cock" or "babbling mania" from some no-count publisher. True, the circulation of this particular newspaper is not that great, but in this modern age of the Internet, shots fired from any crazed lunatic can be heard around the world and catch the ear of many young, impressionable minds. Why there are even many young people who read this particular newspaper in my own community and have their schools, clubs and organizations regularly featured. So it is particularly prudent that this attempt to assassinate President Obama with words not be ignored or let to set a bad example for our children.

Apparently the publisher trying to shoot down President Obama has no understanding about how the US military works and what the real threats are which our nation faces and must plan for in the future. There are the threats of pandemic or natural disaster; plus, there is a real threat and danger that America will be attacked by terrorists using a weapon of mass destruction; This may be a dirty nuclear device, a biological weapon, a chemical weapon, or a combination of such weapons of mass destruction used in a coordinated attack by al Qaida, the same terrorist organization now deemed responsible for the 9/11 attack on America. The probability of such an attack is directly proportional to the ability of terrorists to obtain the materials to construct a weapon of mass destruction and get it into the country or in the vicinity of US forces deployed abroad, and inversely proportional to our ability to detect the construction, transportation, and smuggling of such a weapon of mass destruction. Hence attempts to assassinate the President's good character with words during a time of war practically amounts to treason!

Were a weapon of mass destruction, such as a dirty atomic bomb, exploded in a metropolitan area like New York City, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Miami, Seattle, San Francisco, or Washington, D.C., the result would be a catastrophe like none our nation has ever experienced. Millions of people could be killed or injured and the city attacked could be made un-inhabitable for hundreds of years! Is that what those attempting to assassinate President Obama's character with words want, for terrorist to blow up Washington, D.C., and kill the President?

It would require the military to deal with such a catastrophic attack upon America. Because such an attack is probable given terrorists threats made against our great nation, and intelligence reports that verify terrorist are trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction, it is very wise and prudent that our health care reform legislation give power to the President and Surgeon General to mobilize Ready Reserve Corps forces in a national emergency. Why would anyone be against our nation being prepared for an attack or national emergency and in the same breath attempt to assassinate President Obama's good character? Either this indicates an extreme degree of ignorance, or may be suggestive of hatred, mania or some other psychosis or perversion, similar to that suffered by others who have tried to assassinate the President, as John Hinckley, Jr. The motivation behind Hinckley's attack stemmed from an obsession with actress Jodie Foster due to erotomania. Does the motive behind those attempting to assassinate President Obama's character stem from a similar mania, what psychiatrists might call Obamamania (or rather anti-Obamamania since these folk hate Obama)?

It just boggles the mind to ponder how anyone in a position of responsibility who publishes a newspaper can be so ignorant, foolish and apparently dead set upon causing hurt, harm and assassination of character to the President of the United States, by publishing not only misguided opinions, but lunatic, fanciful, imagined scenarios that are so untrue and unlikely, one wonders from where they come? A soul must be dark, indeed, to have such pondering and publish it as probable, either that or be so ignorant as to how our Constitution, the office of the Presidency, and the Pentagon work together, as to come across as a Bevis and Butthead suffering from anti-Obamamania.

Hopefully we will win the war on terrorism before it comes to our doorsteps. But after 9/11 everyone from the President own down should realize that to secure our freedom we need to take the offensive and to plan for worst case scenarios. That means not only waging a war on terrorism abroad, but having a Ready Reserve Corps at home which can be mobilized at a moment's notice should terrorist attack our great nation with a weapon or mass destruction. It also means being more prepared for a national disaster, like hurricane Katrina, which clearly demonstrated that we need a national Ready Reserve Corps, as it took too long for national guard forces to respond after the terrible tragedy which occurred in New Orleans when the dikes broke and the city was flooded.

I urge everyone to pray for our great nation and our President, that as Commander in Chief, he is able to lead us to victory and win the war on terrorism. I also pray that skeptics, defeatist, and anti-Obamamaniacs who seek to assassinate the President's character with words or incite others to pick up arms to attack and destroy the President, will see the light and realize that their ridicule, lunacy and defamation of President Barak Obama hurts all Americans because it helps our enemies!

Why God does anyone want to hurt or harm our President or aid and abed our enemies? Are those who seek to assassinate President Obama with sinister words and demonic scenarios simply trying to get attention, to sell newspapers or advertising? Or are these assassins of character genuinely so ignorant and moronic as to be utterly insane, so irresponsibly manic and depressive that they are more like Bevis and Butthead cartoon characters than responsible citizens and publishers? Is there a mental derangement and disease, an anti-Obamamania, breaking out in America, a viral violence meme infecting the psyche of lost and misguided souls who have some predisposition for manic disorders? Whatever the case may be, I pray that our great nation and President Obama may be safeguarded against such babbling morons, and that His blessings and hand watch over and guide our nation and all citizens, young and old alike, that we be a loving, caring and wise people, and not turn into a bush of raving lunatics with a sick grudge against the President, black people, or someone who may be of a different ethnic or racial background. For in the final analysis we are all Americans, God fearing and God loving, and our enemies want to destroy us for that!