State should sue BP for damages!
Fortunately President Obama has taken swift action to halt all new offshore drilling until an investigation can be made to determine the cause and impact of this tragedy which killed 11 people when the oil rig caught fire and exploded resulting in a huge fire that was fought for two days before the oil rig sunk into 5,000 deep waters and left crude oil gushing into the pristine waters from at least three leaks. Efforts by BP have thus far been unable to halt the leaks and as of this writing crude oil continues to gush like an underwater geyser into the gulf.
This is a clear example of why it is vital to our national security to have a presidency which is empowered to take emergency action to protect the health and welfare of all Americans on a moments notice. Although this terrible oil spill appears to be an industrial accident, it shows what can happen and why we need a strong presidency. Hopefully the cause of this "accident" will be found to be exactly that, just an accident, and not the result of someone deliberately exploding an IED upon the oil rig.
We must be ever mindful of the fact that there are terrorist who spend their ever waking hour plotting and scheming at ways to attack America. If you have ever strolled the beaches of the Gulf coast there are points from which you can look out and see the huge oil rig upon the distant horizon. You can sometimes also see large ships which service the oil rigs. Each and everyone of these oil rigs and vessels represents a potential target and I would not be at all surprised to learn that there are terrorist plots to attack offshore oil rigs, even if the April 20 disaster is found to be an accident.
Fortunately we have a strong Coast Guard to secure our shores, yet in this age of terrorism it may not be enough. Every day (or night) there are those who seek to smuggle drugs into our country or illegal aliens. That is why in places like El Paso, Texas, they have tried to build a wall to stop illegal aliens and drug smugglers. But the coast line represents a open door where we are vulnerable to attack. Nothing demonstrates this better than the April 20 explosion which destroyed the BP oil rig and is now causing a 600 mile wide oil spill that is a potential ecological disaster!
This is very likely going to effect the people of the great states of Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and Texas. It is horrifying to imagine the impact this may have upon the Gulf coast. I've strolled along the white beach sands at Gulfport and Biloxi and done some deep sea fishing. As a naturalist and photographer I've enjoyed searching for sea shells, watching birds and photographing the scenic dunes from Texas to Florida. To imagine they will soon be blacked by waves coming ashore with slurry black ooze just send chills through me!
But can I file a claim against BP because their black ooze may effect my livelihood as a naturalist and photographer? What about all the other people who will be hurt and harmed by this oil spill? I urge that the people of Mississippi file a class action suit against BP, that we sue for the maximum amount we can get! This is going to hurt each and everyone of us who loves the Gulf, who loves the beaches, and who loves fishing and other recreation along the Gulf coast. It is going to hurt the general public, not just those who have a commercial interest in the Gulf, but everyone!
I therefore ask everyone to urge the State of Mississippi to sue BP and seek to collect for damages that this black ooze causes. I personally want $1-million dollars for every bird this black ooze may kill. But will Mississippi get any compensation from BP? Remember BP stands for British Petroleum; this is a foreign company. Why should they be permitted to kill one bird, to harm one feather on a single fowl? Why should BP be permitted to get away with killing and destroying a single fish, crustacean or fowl?
Is it crazy to hope that the State of Mississippi will sue BP in the name of the people and ask $1-million dollars for every bird killed by their black ooze? Maybe, but maybe not. Certainly if this oil spill cannot be stopped and results in a worse case scenario and develops into the worst oil spill in US history, then the people of Mississippi and every other state effected deserve to be compensated to the maximum amount that the law allows. Is $1-million dollars to much to ask for every bird destroyed? How much would you ask for if it were up to you? How much is every one of God's creatures, great and small, worth to you?
I personally do not believe you can put a value on human or animal life like this. But unless BP is made to pay a premium price for whatever damage they have caused and are responsible for, they will continue drill for oil without taking the necessary precautions to plan for a disaster, be it natural, accidental or caused by terrorist. The fact that such a disaster was not adequately planned for is indicated by the nature of the disaster and its consequences. Automatic deep sea cutoff valves should have been developed long ago and installed on all deep oil drilling rigs such that it would be almost impossible for an accidental gushing of 210,000 gallons of oil per day to occur should an oil rig explode and sink! Why in God's name was not this done BEFORE this happened?
The state should sue BP for damages and disburse the money to all the people! Imagine how much billions of dollars could help the people of our great state. Even if this was an accident and not caused by terrorists, still BP did not develop, install and implement technology to prevent such a disaster. Therefore the people have been hurt and harmed by BP and should demand just compensation -- even if the only way this impacts you is that you come across a dead bird covered with black ooze while walking along the shore with your child.