The Pyrotechnic Pen

Provocative, insightful advocate for children, the elderly, animals, the environment and all who cannot speak for themselves; a must read for conservatives and liberals alike!

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Location: United States

Enjoy throwing kisses to the world, hugging trees, petting my dog, cuddling up with a good book to read, loving all of God's creatures great and small, writing poetry, the romance of fireflies dancing in the fields and forests, hiking, camping, fishing, sailing, scuba diving, waterfalls, the ocean, and the company of good people who are working to make the world a better place for the children of the future.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Terrorist sympathizers manipulate war photos

As a master graphic artist, designer and photographer who has many years experience taking photographs of the natural environment, people and the world around me, my attention was recently drawn to a photograph taken by Kevin Frayer showing the damage in Lebanon caused by an Israel air strike. What made a light go off inside my head was that this picture alleged to show a banner strung across rubble saying "Made in USA" and cast a dark shadow upon my country.

I felt insulted by this photograph and then gave it a closer look noticing that the type fonts upon the banner were clearly generated by a computer and even covered the folds in the banner. This photo had clearly been doctored and manipulated and released for propaganda purposes by Hezbollah sympathizers. To prove this to myself I made an analysis of the photograph which confirms that it was indeed a doctored photograph that had been manipulated using a computer. So much for truth in advertising!

Photograph discovered to have been manipulated

Figure 1 shows the original photograph with the caption "Lebanese youth stand on a banner in protest against the United States in the rubble of a building destroyed in Israeli bombardment in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2006. On the second day of a United Nations ceasefire between Israel and the Hezbollah, Lebanon's Defense Minister said that 15,000 Lebanese soldiers will be deployed in south Lebanon by the end of the week." (AP Photo/Kevin Frayer) AP - Tue Aug 15, 10:25 AM ET

Photograph discovered to have been manipulated

Figure 2 shows an enhancement of this banner. Note that the text is not hand painted or done using spray paint as is the case with most such banners or graffiti one sees as a result of people expressing themselves after a natural disaster or man made destruction. Rather, the type fonts upon the banner are commercial fonts of a style one would easily have access to using a graphics art and photo manipulation program upon a computer, something I know given I have produced thousands of graphic images and photographs and regularly use such programs to create art and designs.

Photograph discovered to have been manipulated

Figure 3 shows an enlargement of the "USA." Note that the type fonts fall over the fold in the banner and do not follow the curves of the banner. This is exactly how the type fonts would appear if dropped onto the banner using a computer graphics program. Also the "U" seems to have been flipped horizontally as it is thinner on the left than upon the right, indicating that each letter was dropped in separately and then fitted into space.

Photograph discovered to have been manipulated

Figure 4 shows "Made in" which has been enhanced to reveal a halo effect around the lettering which is very typical of computer generated graphics. Apparently the area beneath these letters was doctored to remove markings and then the letters were dropped in using a computer graphics program.

After making this discovery for myself I wondered who is this person Kevin Frayer and what other photographs has he taken? Also I was curious why a major media provider like the Associated Press would distribute such photographs internationally and take them as genuine when they were so obviously faked?

A search on the Internet immediately revealed that Kevin Frayer had published other photographs which were suspected as having been manipulated. In A Reprise: Media Photo Manipulation by Ricki Hollander there is a photograph by Kevin Frayer of a picture of a Lebanese woman among bombed out ruins. This same or very similar type photograph was also shown among ruins in a different setting suggesting such photographs have been planted or other wise manipulated. (See photo below).

Photograph discovered to have been manipulated

Figure 5 shows a photograph submitted by AP photographer Kevin Frayer on July 31, 2006. The caption reads:

    A photograph of a Lebanese girl is seen in the rubble of a mosque that was hit in an Israeli missile strike in the village of Qana, southern Lebanon, Monday, July 31, 2006. At least 56 residents of the village were killed when Israeli warplanes attacked the village early Sunday morning.

    (Note: The number of 56 victims has since been "corrected" to half that.)

Photograph discovered to have been manipulated

Figure 6. In yet another staged photograph by AP photographer Kevin Frayer a dead baby is paraded about for the camera with the caption:

    Lebanese Red Cross and Civil Defense workers carry the body of a small child covered in dust from the rubble of his home that was hit in an Israeli missile strike in the village of Qana, east of the port city of Tyre, Lebanon, Sunday. Lebanese Red Cross officials said 56 people died in the Israeli assault on the village, including 34 children. Rescuers dug through the debris to remove dozens of bodies.

A critical review of this sequence of photographs reveals that a number of photojournalist photographed the same dead baby at different times, that the scenes of what some have termed the Qana Massacure which sparked riots by Hezbollah supporters at the United Nations building in Beirut were staged and reinacted by Salam Daker, 39, Head of Operations for the Lebanese Civil Defense in Tyre, to project Israel as baby killers and do not reflect truth in reporting.

Clearly this indicates that Kevin Frayer is submitting manipulated photographs to the Associated Press and that these are being used as propaganda to sway public opinion and perhaps effect political decisions. In fact, according to Ricki Hollander, Kevin Frayer's photographs are not the only ones out of the war torn Lebanon that are being questions. Apparently their is a cottage industry of fraudulent photojournalist taking picture and then using computers to manipulate them, submitting them to news services, probably getting paid handsomely for their forgeries and building a reputation for themselves.

Ricki Hollander states that, "Reuters was forced to withdraw over 900 pictures taken by Adnan Hajj after Charles Johnson of the Little Green Footballs blog exposed the fact that the news agency’s photographer doctored images he had taken of the Israeli/Hezbollah war, darkening and enhancing smoke spirals in the photographs."

Photograph discovered to have been manipulated

Figure 7 shows a photograph doctored by Adnan Hajj which was removed by Reuters along with over 900 other photographs by Adnan Hajj. On August 9, the New York Times published an article about Adnan Hajj's doctored images, entitled "Bloggers Drive Inquiry on How Altered Images Saw Print"

Given the fact these manipulated photographs and their captions tend to slant public opinion and view Israel and the United States as villains, I would seriously question the ethics of the Associated Press and other news services in distributing such doctored photographs. This is akin to creating a great fraud upon the America public and the international audience! How many people around the world will look at these doctored and manipulated fraudulent images and get the impression that America is the great Satan that Islamic fundamentalists would like them to believe it is?

News services need to begin questioning the authenticity of photographs they publish and at least have them scrutinized by experts to determine if they have been manipulated. Apparently many photographs are submitted by free lancers who are bias in their reporting to the extreme that they doctor and manipulate their images for political or propaganda purposes. The fact that these photographs are then being distributed around the world by agencies like the Associated Press and Reuters makes them puppets on a string, being exploited by photo terrorists!

The real story here may not be the photographs we are seeing so much as the lies we are being told by the photographers submitting manipulated photographs to the world press. It is certainly realized that when terrorists take a hostage and make a video of their heads being cut off or them being shot, that this is done for propaganda and to terrorize the world. It may not be so obvious that when free lancers from a war zone submit photographs with cut lines that are anti-American or anti-Israel, that these are manipulated photographs; that they are lies told and propagated by those who are hostile to the United States and our allies.

The war on terrorism involves not only a war of weapons, but a war for the heart of humanity. Such terrorist organizations as al-Qaida and Hezbollah know that they can use propaganda to sway world opinion as well as to raise money to support their terrorism. When faked and manipulated photographs are given the stamp of approval by major press agencies which beam them around the world , then are shown to people in a position to contribute money, these images help collect donations and fund future acts of terrorism. Therefore the distribution of fraudulent and manipulated photographs by the major press agencies is contributing to the coffers of terrorists organizations.

This practice by major press agencies of permitting terrorist or terrorist sympathizers to use the media to distribute manipulated and/or fraudulent photographs and/or video around the world needs to be stopped. By letting our enemies, the enemies of democracy, use the media to distribute their lies around the world is contributing to our own destructions.

Such corruption of photojournalism is scandalous! At least one other professor of journalism agrees with me. David D. Perlmutter, Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies & Research at the University of Kansas School of Journalism & Mass Communications, has an outstanding piece on the "Fauxtography Scandal" entitled, Photojournalism in Crisis.

I am a strong advocate of a free press and as such I understand that to remain free the press needs to remain credible, honest and true to its subscribers, and not act as a puppet for terrorist or enemies of our state and nation. Certainly the old adage, "Do not believe everything you read in the newspaper," is true when it comes to journalism in the 21st Century. In fact, I plan on giving every photograph I see by Kevin Frayer and others in Hezbollah controlled areas a very close look and doing the same with any image that is associated with an anti-American or anti-Israel caption. You might be wise to do the same, least you want to be brainwashed by al-Quida, Hezbollah and other terrorist organization supporters and sympathizers!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

How to create your own electronic newspaper

How to create your own electronic newspaper

Many people who enjoy reading begin their day by reading the newspaper, viewing the morning news on television or listening to the radio while driving to work. More and more I find myself turning to the Internet for my daily dose of news, given that it is now possible to read newspapers from all over the nation and the world on line. Plus one may customize the type of new they receive. For the computer literate and Internet sauve, reading the newspaper is not what it use to be.

Certainly when there is a breaking story of significance, like the murder of six-year-old beauty pageant queen JonBenet Ramsey, by the alleged child pedophile John Mark Karr, reading such local newspapers as the Rocky Mountain News gives one a perspective upon events which are often not covered by local media which rely upon the wire services. This is especially true in the case of such big stories as 9/11, as local media is able to give an in-depth slant to just about any story and show how it effects people who may be thousands of miles away from the event. A prime example of this is how the war in Iraq or international terrorism effects millions of Americans half way around the world from the bombs and bloodshed. If one wants to know what people in across America think, they can just log on the Internet and go to any on-line newspaper to read articles full of local color and lore as well as the opinions expressed by local contributors.

Also there are many bizarre news reports featured on the Internet which make for a quite amusing, if not incredible read. For example, Darmin Garcia of Milwaukee fell into a vat of hot chocolate, became stuck and was rescued by police after a two hour ordeal using cocoa butter to thin the viscous goo. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Aug. 19, 2006).

Another sweet tooth tale comes from Fountain Valley, California, where Martucci Angiano discovered a vision of the Virgin Mary in solidified chocolate droppings! I wonder, will this soon end up on eBay where in 2004 a piece of grilled cheese from the Golden sold for $28,000 and in 2005 a honey-mustard pretzel believed to be shaped like the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus sold for $10,600? (The Grand Island Independent)

When one has access to the entire world press, there is never a lack for unusual, mind boggling and fascinating tales. In Turner, Maine a "hybrid mutant" was found dead by the roadside, sparking a rash of speculation that it was everything from a feral dog or hybrid crossbreed to an extraterrestrial. Photos of this strange animal taken by Michelle O'Donnell were featured in The Sun Journal, Aug. 18, 2006, and distributed across the country by the wire services.

The world's media is full of bizarre tales of animal hybrids. A tigon, the cross between a male tiger and a lioness, which has tiger stripes and the physique of a lion was reported from Australia, photo by Toresten Blackwook of the AFP being circulated world-wide by Getty Images. A wholphin, the cross between a whale and a dolphin, was born at Sealife Park in Honolulu, Hawaii, in April, 2005, photos taken by Lucy Pemoni, beamed around the world by Reuters. On a plantation in Barbadose a zonkey, the hybrid of a donkey and a zebra, was born in April, 2005, it picture by Chris Brandis widely circulated by the Associated Press. April hunters in Canada killed a huge bear; DNA tests showed that the bear's mother was a polar bear and its father a grizzly bear.

Perhaps one of the most unusual stories that I've recently read is that of a woman who was attacked by a mannequin and sustained injuries sufficient to file a claim against J.C. Penneys Co. According to reports Diana Newton, 51, was shopping for a blouse and when a sales clerk was attempting to remove a garment from the mannequin an arm flew up into the air striking Newton in the head as it fell causing injury. So much for Sir Issac Newton's proof of gravity, that everything which goes up must come down! (Los Angeles, AP, Aug. 18, 2006)

Many Internet provider services and news agencies are now providing RSS news feeds which subscribers can sign up to receive. America OnLine(AOL)at provides Top News, Political News and Strange but True news all of which were consulted in writing this article. In addition to these favorites of mine, there are news feeds for sports, stocks, parenting and virtually every other topic imaginable. This makes it possible for everyone who loves a good dose of morning news to put together their own electronic newspaper!

For those who love to interact with the press by sending letters to the editor or participating in on-line forums, the Internet offers a wide range of opportunities. You can find links to all newspapers through the MAP (Media Awareness Project), at Boycott Made In China, a political activist site which protest the brutal killing of tens of thousands of dogs in China, which will enable you to search for the URL or Internet address of any existing on-line newspaper, as well as to locate the email address of editors.

Getting up-to-date news is no longer dependent upon flipping through pages of inky newsprint; now you can relax, enjoy a cup of coffee or juice and surf the Internet, without getting a smudge of ink upon your fingers. Plus, being able to personalize the news you receive makes it faster and easier to find exactly the news you are looking for, an advantage for everyone who has only a limited amount of time and must be off in a rush to get children to school, arrive at work on time, catch a flight or attend to other daily chores.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Boycott products made in China protest killing 50,000+ dogs

Special Alert! Boycott Made In China

Special alert! Everyone is being asked to boycott made in China products to protest the killing of over 50,000 dogs in Red China by order of communist government officials! Please join the international movement to boycott everything made in China!

Click on pic to learn about international boycott of Made In China
Boycott Made In China Products to protest killing of over 50,000 dogs in Red China in July, 2006

Sources say that Red China may have plans to kill over 500,000 dogs in the near future as they have done such culling in the past (in 2003 over 170,000 dogs were killed). The World Health Organization and ASPCA have both issued position papers against usage of such culling methods as ineffective in control of rabies which can only be effectively controlled through a vaccination program. But unless everyone takes action to boycott made in China products this may never stop! Take a stand today! Join the movement to boycott products made in China! All dog lovers please read Dog Is God Spelled Backwards and take a stand against the senseless and cruel killing of dogs in China!