The Pyrotechnic Pen

Provocative, insightful advocate for children, the elderly, animals, the environment and all who cannot speak for themselves; a must read for conservatives and liberals alike!

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Enjoy throwing kisses to the world, hugging trees, petting my dog, cuddling up with a good book to read, loving all of God's creatures great and small, writing poetry, the romance of fireflies dancing in the fields and forests, hiking, camping, fishing, sailing, scuba diving, waterfalls, the ocean, and the company of good people who are working to make the world a better place for the children of the future.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union or United We Stand. Divided We Fall

Regardless of the state of the union, the state of Mississippi is not in very good shape. The unemployment rate is 10.3% in Mississippi as of 27 Jan., 2010. In Clarke County the unemployment rate is a whopping 12%! That means that for everyone you see, more than one in ten will be unemployed, probably on welfare, receiving food stamps, and living below the poverty level, without health insurance, and a burden to everyone else who has a job, income or pays taxes.

It is NOT good to have so many, many people without a job. These high unemployment rates are not the result of people who just don’t want to work; rather, they are the result of a global economy which is in turmoil. What is causing that turmoil? Ultimately it is the population explosion. With over 8-billion human beings now in the world, there simply is less to go around and more competition for what little there is.

The burden of unemployment and jobs is one we all have a stake in; our very security and survival depends upon people being able to get a job, not just a minimum wage job, but a good job, one which provides benefits and health care.  Yet because 12% of the people in Clarke County do not have a good job, that places an extreme burden upon each and every one of us.

What many people do not realize is that countries like communist Red China, with a huge population, which are rapidly developing, represent a serious threat to America. This is even more true because Red China is not a Christian nation and has a very bad record when it comes to human rights. They virtually exterminated the people of Tibet while the world just watched. And now Red China is buying up America’s debt such that the communist can have power and control over Americans.

This represents a clear and present danger to our freedom. Just go into any store and look at where merchandise is made. Likely as not even the school uniforms your kids are wearing are made in a third world nation. We are being bought out by Red China and many Muslim nations. That may have serious implications for our security down the road.

I suggest that one way to rectify the situation is to forbid the ownership of US English name trademarks by foreign investors. Some years ago the trademark laws were changed so that anyone could buy the rights to an English name or phrase even if they were not US citizens. This has resulted in many English names and phrases being owned by foreigners such that products not made in the US may carry English word brand names. This gives the fraudulent impression that products are made in the US, when actually they may be made in Red China, Indonesia, India or in other countries.

By a simple stroke of the pen, we could change the trademark laws and stop the wholesale prostitution of the English language which is being permitted by our government. This would do much to boost enterprise in America, as it would mean that no longer could foreigners exploit our citizens by producing products abroad and selling them in America under the guise of an English language trademark.

I believe that we should also have greater incentives to stimulate small businesses.  Instead of bailing out big corporations and banks, we should be investing that money in helping people start their own business. Also we should put a freeze on home foreclosures and declare all home foreclosures since 9/11 null and void.  The reason for that is because the disruption of the American economy can be traced right back to 9/11 when the World Trade Center Twin Towers were destroyed.

You see, the destruction of the World Trade Center had consequences, producing a ripple effect which is still reverberating through the world’s economy. The terrorist who attacked the World Trade Center did so to disrupt the world economy.  We have been seeing the results ever since and people have been feeling the effect with lost jobs, lost homes, and destroyed lives.

Everything that happens is connected and when you combine such things as permitting foreigners to buy up English language trademarks, to stamp products made in Red China or Indonesia with American brand names, then destroy the World Trade Center and declare a Holy War upon America, causing disruption in our economy via the enormous sums spent waging a war on terrorism, plunging our nation and the world economy into chaos, you then end up with what we see today -- double digit unemployment and millions of people in America plunged into poverty.

We are rapidly becoming a third world nation being out paced in many respects by our enemies, Red China, Iran, and other non-Christina nations. This is why it is really foolish for Democrats and Republicans to be fighting among themselves. Our nation is in peril and our enemies want to destroy us, economically first, then to blow us away!

United we stand. Divided we fall. That remains true and is why Democrats and Republicans must come together and provide a jobs bill and all the other legislation that America needs to be a strong nation. We are NOT a strong nation with double digit unemployment and over 14 million Americans without health care. We are NOT a strong nation with a trillion dollar deficit and more and more of our debt being purchased by our enemies. The security of America is being slowly eroded away and this is being enabled by foolish party politics which fails to see that our real enemy is not our brothers and sisters partying as jackasses or pachyderms, but is Red Armies and Islamic fundamentalist waging an economic and holy war against America.

I urge all patriotic Americans to write their representatives and tell them to stop fighting among themselves and do whatever needs to be done to get Americans back to work, to prevent jobs form going overseas, to protect our economic interest, and to provide all citizens with recovery of homes they have lost to foreign banks, and with protection so they cannot lose their homes in the future to foreign banks or megalithic financial institutions which have financially raped, robed and exploited our citizens!

Unless we stand together, united against our enemies, we risk being defeated by them. We are only 300-million against billions and billions. The numbers are NOT on our side. So either we must unite and stand together, or risk being destroyed over time by our enemies.

There is, of course, another option. We can export democracy and convert our enemies to our allies. That would mean giving not only aid to other nations, but demanding those nations which we aid adopt a Bill of Rights similar to our own, which permits freedom of religion, press, speech and assembly. Ah, but how can we do that when Democrats and Republicans are at each other’s throats, fighting for crumbs, when what is really at stake is our very existence!

Plus, I propose that everyone urge a REVOLT in Red China, that we raise crosses from Beijing to Hong Kong and around the world. Only when people of all lands come to love thy neighbors will we have world peace and freedom!


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